
Friday, February 10, 2012

Comparing Text and Film:

Good morning,
 Today we begin tackling our process prompt:

Writing Task:

Consider the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and the movie The Night of The Hunter (1955) directed by Charles Laughton. What is the theme and mood of both pieces? What techniques did the author and director use to create the theme, mood, and irony?
Write a comparison/contrast essay discussing the similarities and differences between these two works. Keep in mind how the authors use various techniques to create mood, theme, and irony, and how greed plays a role in the stories.

Tool Box:

You will be writing this essay in a new Google Doc that you will share with me. 
  1. Create a new document
  2. Name it  #NameResponseToLit  (i.e. 3MarkArmstrongResponseTo Lit)
  3. Share it with me (hint: use my gmail address)
  4. Copy and paste the prompt above into your new document.
  5. You should also copy and paste the links to our evidence.

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