
Monday, September 30, 2013

Book Questions???

Books Out

GOAL #1: Scoring Writer's Notebooks (10 minutes)
Today you are going to evaluate your writer's notebook. Open your writer's notebook and open the SCORING GUIDE in another tab.

Copy and paste this sentence into your writers notebook AT THE TOP and complete the blanks based on the scoring guide.

I believe I have earned a ______ (enter a number from the scoring guide) on my writer's notebook because ______________________________ (explain why you earned that score based on the scoring guide.)

GOAL #2: Questions about your group novel (15 minutes, maybe more if you are diligent.)
Work with a partner at your table to answer the question on the BOOK QUESTIONS FORM. You may discuss the answers with your whole table, but each pair needs to complete a form for themselves.

Goal #3: Read this story
We will be reading A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings << Click the link to get the view only version then use File/Make a Copy to get your own editable version of the story. Look for sensory details in the story. Highlight parts that describe sounds, smells, sights, or texture.  (We will be working with this together tomorrow.)

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