
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What are you going to accomplish today?

CC image via flicker by Mike Automania
Get out your books.  We still read at the bell.

Today we are going to make like tomatoes and catch-up.

I've been reading through your writer's notebooks and I'm finding some holes, little things you haven't finished like the second paragraph of your article of the week, or the quotes about characters chart. Sooo.....

Goal #1:  Catch Up
Complete any missing parts in your writer's notebook. See the chart at the front of the classroom for a list of what you need.  Go to those dates on the blog for more info.

Goal #2: Keep Reading
Continue reading your book, marking places that tell you something about the character or the setting.

Goal #3: Student Data Form
A few people joined us since the first week of school. Some of those people need to complete the student data form. ONLY if I ask you to. Student Data Form 

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