
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Getting on Goodreads

Time to get our reading lives online.

Goal #1: Goodreads

  1. Go to
  2. Login using your GOOGLE account.
  3. Send a friend request to Mrs. Roberts (and maybe also Mrs. Berry) Hint: look us up by our email addresses.
  4. Search for the book you are currently reading and add it to your "currently reading" shelf.
  5. Search for at least TEN books you have read and add them to your "Read" shelf. Also RATE them using stars.

Goal #2: Reading some good reviews

  1. Read this book review of The Alchemist and this one for City of Theives
  2. In your writer's notebook write about why those reviews are a good ones. What are the qualities of a good book review?

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