
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rhetorical Writing and Reminders


We will use your notes about Kid City from yesterday to write a rhetorical precis in your writer's notebook. (I will help you with this in class. If you are absent see the blog post from 3/25 for directions.)
We will learn more about Ethos, Pathos and Logos. (I will be showing you a video in class. If you are absent you can use this link to it. Take notes about it in your writer's notebook.)

1. TWO new book reviews due on 4/23. No late reviews. You know how to do this and you've had six full weeks to get them done.
2. CALL IN your essay about our stereotype research. This was due on 4/15, but you can still call. Use the number I gave you in class or click the "Call Me" button on the right.
3. BRING BACK any borrowed books you have at home that you are done with. (Also taking book donations.)

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