
Monday, June 2, 2014

Explaining Arguments

Happy Monday!   Read!

Goal #1:
Rhetorical Precis on Undercover Parent in your Writer's Notebook.  (15 minutes)

Goal #2: 
Practice explaining author's arguments.
Go to and join our room (see code on whiteboard)
I will give you a paragraph to read that contains an argument.  Then I will send you a Socrative question and ask you to explain that argument in your own words.

Arguments to practice explaining: 
#1: The media’s portrayal of women consists of mixed messages, one minute we hear “curvy is beautiful” and the next we are barraged with images on magazines with petit skinny models. In reality the ridiculously skinny and photo shopped girls are the majority of what we see. This contradiction is confusing to women especially young girls who are looking to identify a role model. Magazines, television, movie stars, and advertisements are promoting unrealistic and unhealthy images for women in our society today.

#2: High-tech has created a new low. The term “sexting” is a combination of the words sex and texting, and refers to the practice of sending sexually ­explicit photos electronically, mainly by cell phone. The incidents of sexting have dramatically increased in the past few years; 20 percent of teens said they had sent a sexting message, according to a 2008 study commissioned by the National ­Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and Though many in our generation are taking part, few understand the serious consequences of this irresponsible fad.

#3. “Do you have a Facebook?” This is the question of a generation: one of the very first questions in a conversation when teens meet each other. That conversation can start at almost anything, from “Hey I’m wearing the same shirt as you!” to “I like that band too!” No matter where the conversation starts, teens are almost always drawn to the search for a username. Social networking sites are a fun, convenient way to make plans and stay connected, but teens can often form an attachment or addiction to them. Facebook and several other social websites bookmarked by today’s teenage generation bring with them negative side effects if used irresponsibly. Side effects of social media, both psychological and social, can have an extreme effect on teens; these problems must be addressed, managed, and prevented for the safety and security of today’s teenage generation.

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