
Monday, September 29, 2014

How Authors Describe...



I am sorry I had to miss class last Friday. Hopefully Mrs. Roberts didn't cause too much trouble while I was gone.

Scoring your English Journal:

Today you're going to evaluate your English Journal. You'll need to open it in one tab and this SCORING GUIDE in another tab.

Copy and paste this into your English Journal at the top. and complete the blanks based on the scoring guide.
 I believe I have earned a _________ (enter a number from the scoring guide) on my English Journal because _______________________________(explain why you earned that score based on the scoring guide).

"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings:"

This week we're going to be looking more at how authors create descriptions. Authors use sensory details to make the setting and characters seem more real. Sensory details refer to how things smell, taste, feel, sound, and look, but show rather than tell.

Today, you'll need to spend some significant time reading "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings." You'll need to open that link and click file/make a copy for your own use. I will explain how we will do this.

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