
Monday, April 6, 2015

Data Gathering: Day 1

cc image, flicker: dizfunkshinal
Goal: Begin the process of investigating stereotypes at PLHS. 


  1. Read
  2. New writing assignment
  3. Interview a peer
  4. English Journal self-assessment

Do students at PLHS experience stereotype threat?

You have been reading about stereotype threats.  We will respond to that article by doing our own research about stereotypes on our campus.  Today you will interview two peers about the kinds of stereotypes they are affected by and how they cope with that.  (I will give you the interview questions in class.)

Tomorrow we will enter your findings into a Google Form and begin to analyze the data.

Evaluate your English Journal
Copy this sentence to the top of your English Journal and finish the sentence.
I believe I have earned a _(enter score)__ on my English Journal because ___(give specific examples to explain why you scored your work that way)______. 
English Journal Scoring Guide

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