
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

More writing from our data

Goal: Writing about qualitative data and pulling together some parts of our essay we wrote yesterday.


  1. Read
  2. Open your English Journal
  3. Find the "Writing about stereotypes" assignment template I shared with you in Google Drive. 
  4. Find the link to the spreadsheet of data. (See step 1) Make your own copy of the spreadsheet. 
  5. Follow the steps in Step 2 on your assignment sheet. Talk to your partner about your answers. 
  6. Look at the scoring guide in Step 4. You will need each of those parts in your essay. 
  7. Copy over the writing we did yesterday about the quantitative data. Put it at the top of your assignment in Step 3. 
  8. Copy over the rhetorical precis we wrote on 3/26. With a bit of revision it will become part of your essay also. 
Quantitative: Data that can be expressed in numbers, like the number of people we interviewed or the percentage of people who gave a particular answer. 

Qualitative: Data that you need to look at closely to see patterns, often comes in words, like the words people used to describe the stereotypes about their group. 

Generalizations: The similarities you see in the data. When you start to write, "Most ____ said that____" you are making a generalization. 

Conclusions: The opinions you form based on the data. "Since most _______ say that ________ our school should consider___________."

Homework: Note that your essay is due on Friday at the end of the period. You will also need to "call in" and read your essay by 9:00 PM Friday for full credit. 

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