Happy Halloween |
Novel Prediction Charts
Reviewing Quiz Answers
Novel Prediction Charts:
- Open your English Journal. (Check to see if you might be missing anything and make a plan to catch up on that later.)
- At the top add today's date.
- Insert a table. It should be two columns wide and six rows down.
- Add two predictions about your book, now that you are halfway through it.
- Add evidence (sentence or two) from the book that lead you to that prediction.
- Continue to add predictions and evidence to your chart as you read the rest of the novel.
Novel Prediction Chart
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My prediction
Evidence from the text that makes me think this.
(Use sentences from your book that lead to your prediction.)
Reviewing Quiz Answers:
- Yesterday some students tried out the quiz you made. It's time for you to review their answers.
- Your group will go to the quiz you made in Google Drive and click "view responses."
- You are not going to grade these, but you are going to assess them.
- For each answer you are going to give a color. Use the paint bucket (fill color) tool to change the color of each box (cell) that has an answer.
- Make good answers light green. Okay, but not great, answers can be light yellow. And mostly wrong answers should be light pink.
- I will decide later how I want to convert your assessment into a grade for the student. I may decide not to count all of your questions, or give more credit to some questions.
- Stay safe. Lots of people make some really bad decisions on Halloween. Don't be one of them.
- Read this weekend.
- Check your English Journal for work you need to finish or make up.
- Revise your memoir or the visual memoir slides if you would like to improve them.