
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Book Review Day

Goal: Writing and submitting book reviews.

Write and submit book reviews
Catch up

Write and submit book reviews:

  1. Post a review on Goodreads for either the group novel you read or another book you read on your own during this six weeks. (Note: you can not use a book you also reviewed in October.)
  2. Complete THIS FORM with the LINK (URL) to the review you posted on Goodreads. Then answer the questions about the second book you read recently. 

Catch up: 
Is the book you are reading checked out to you? Is it on your "currently reading" shelf on Goodreads.
Is your English Journal up to date? Is all of your work there your best work? Maybe you want to proofread a bit?
Do you need to revise your memoir or visual memoir from earlier this semester? You can request a regrade on the tab above.

English Journals must be complete by tomorrow, Thursday.
Grading period ends Friday.

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