
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Building Background Knowledge

Goal: Build some background knowledge about the history of  Hip Hop to better understand upcoming reading material about the genre. Practice with listening and note taking.

Quick write
Video notes

Quick write: We didn't get enough time for this yesterday. Respond to the following in your English Journal. You can write about all the questions or just one.

  • What influence does hip hop have in our society or in our world?
  • What is its message?
  • Is it just music or something more?
Video Notes: In your English Journal take notes as we watch the short video on the origins of Hip Hop culture and music. 

Socratic Seminar make up tomorrow (Wednesday) after school. If you were absent on 12/18 you need to attend to replace the 0 you got for not being here for our discussion. 

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