
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Periods 3&6: Comparative Analysis-Art

Goal: Visiting the art gallery to compare two works of art.

Group 1 visits the art gallery
Group 2 finish reading possibility of evil
(Then we swap)

Visiting the Art Gallery:
Advanced art students have work on display in the 200 building gallery.
We will visit in two groups for roughly half the period each.
You will choose two art works to compare.
Use the note taking sheet I provided you with to record your thinking.
(Absent? Get the note taking sheet HERE and choose two works of art you find online HERE.)

Use your notes about the two art pieces to craft a clear three paragraph comparison essay. There is a suggested outline on the back of your note-taking sheet.
Essays are due in class on Wednesday 2/17/16. Turn it in on paper. You can type or hand write your essay.


  1. Thank you for sharing your lessons and links. I borrow from you often. This Google Cultural Institute website is awesome. How did you find this?

    1. Hi Ms. Mowen, so sorry I didn't notice your comment before now. I know about the Google Cultural Institute because I am on Twitter and I go to a lot of conferences. If you like my class blog here, you'll probably also like my professional blog where I write about some of these things for an educator audience at
