
Friday, September 9, 2016

Deeper understanding of "Us and Them"

Goal: Deeper understanding of "Us and Them" through conversation and questions.

Always, books out.

Making understanding small: 
I'll be walking you through the steps for improving your understanding of "Us and Them."
If you need a copy of the story see the assignment in Google Classroom.
Use File/Make a copy to get your very own copy of the text.

Go to
Where is says "Room Name" enter 6867.
Wait patiently for a moment until I send you a question.

You missed all the fun today. Absent students should re-read "Us and Them" and write a five sentence summary.

To be done by now: (You should be finished with these things. If not do them asap.)
Six word Memoir Slide (See Google Classroom.)
Welcome assignment with English Journal (See Google Classroom. Don't forget to click "Turn In.")
Return Netbook Agreement
Complete Student Data Form
Read 2/3 of your book by Monday.

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