
Friday, January 20, 2017

Are you ready for this?

Goals: Making sure we are ready for next week.

Study Guide
Something interesting

Final Study Guide: 

  • Your final for English is next week. It will be two hours and the day will depend on the finals schedule. (See the calendar at the bottom of the blog.)
  • You can prepare for the final by reviewing THIS STUDY GUIDE. (You'll have to make your own copy.)
  • The final will present you with multiple fiction and non-fiction reading passages. 
  • You will need to be able to answer questions like the ones on the study guide. 
  • Expect 30-40 multiple choice questions. 
  • You will need to be able to write a correctly formatted and accurate rhetorical precis based on one of the articles you read during the final. 
Two book reviews are due on Monday. We will work on this in class, but you should have at least one written before Monday. 
Your letter to McBride should be done. If it's not you may earn a very bad grade. 
I will grade all currently pending re-grade requests by Monday. 
Last day to request a regrade is Tuesday 1/24. 

Something Interesting: 
I'll tell you about it in class

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