
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Close reading of part of Hip Hop Planet

Goal: Our goal today is a closer examination of part of the text we read yesterday to help us understand the author's purpose better.

Reading Progress Survey
Close reading of part of Hip Hop Planet
English Journal Entry

Reading Progress Survey:
Complete the SURVEY to update me about your current reading.

You will need: 
Hip Hop Planet (in 'shared with me')
Your English Journal

Close Reading: 
Now that you've read James McBride's complete article, we're going to spend some time today focusing on just a few paragraphs, specifically the last two paragraphs.

Today's English Journal Entry:
Respond to the following questions in your English Journal.

   1. What is McBride’s purpose for writing this article?
   2.  Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?

Carry a plastic trash bag in your backpack to wrap your textbooks when it rains. You are responsible for water damage.
Next two book reviews due 1/23/17.

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