
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Building on success: Add another paragraph to your comparative analysis essay.

Goal: Write the irony paragraph of your comparative analysis essay.

We always read.

Yesterday you started your essay and we wrote the mood paragraph together.
Today you will write your irony paragraph.
Use the structure we used yesterday. Include the evidence.
Use the chart on the back wall.
Need to see our work from yesterday? Period 2, Period 3, Period 5, Period 6.

Absent Yesterday:
Read the post below. I will come check on you.

Due Dates!
A complete draft (all paragraphs complete) is due before school on Tuesday 3/14/17.
The final draft will be due the week of 3/20. I haven't picked an exact date yet.
The grading period ends Friday 3/17/17.
Book reviews will be due next week. Be sure you are working on yours.

This Friday:
We visit the counselors to confirm your course selections.

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