
Friday, April 7, 2017

Reading progress and AOW

Goals: Update Mrs. R about your reading progress and read an article on Newsela.

Reading Progress Survey
Article of the Week

1. Read: 10-15 minutes silent reading from your book.
Remember to return and/or check out the book you have now.
Read over the weekend. Next review due 4/19.

2. Reading Progress Survey: Complete the FORM.

3. Article of the week:

  1. Read the Newsela article assigned to you. 
  2. Login to Newsela with Google and look in your binder for this article pictured in this post. 
  3. This LINK might help you get to it faster. 
  4. Take the QUIZ that is next to the article in Newsela. It's only four questions. 
  5. WRITE in your English Journal about the article. One paragraph summary. One paragraph for what you think about what you read. 
4. Feeling done? 
  1. Check your English Journal. What can you finish or improve? 
  2. Check your Comparative Analysis essay (Cask/Night). If I've graded it, what do you need to revise? If I haven't graded it, what can you improve before it gets graded? 
  3. Read

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