
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day three, digging in

Goals: Read and learn about 6 word memoirs

Read, be sure you have a good book you like. 
6 Word Memoirs

6 Word Memoirs:
What are 6 word memoirs? 
Heck what is a memoir? 
Some more examples
Lets write some, or six or seven. 

1. Open a new Google Doc. (Hint, go to DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM and click NEW.)
2. Write 6 or 7 possible six word memoirs that are personal to YOU!
3. Read them to the people at your table. 
4. Post one on (Note, you need to register and create an account to post your memoir.)
5. You may need to know about this PHOTO SITE. 

Textbook check out is THURSDAY (that's tomorrow)
Bring your printed schedule, your school ID, and a backpack. 
Keep reading every night. Remember 2 books every six weeks. 

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