
Friday, September 29, 2017

Reading Progress and Article of the Week

Goals: Reading progress and an Article of the Week.

Book and agenda out.

1. Reading Progress Form:

2. Article of the week. 
  1. Read the article in Newsela (sign in with Google.)
  2. Take the QUIZ with the article. Yes, you have to.
  3. Open your English Journal
  4. Write TWO paragraphs. Paragraph 1 is a summary of what you read. Paragraph 2 is your thinking about what you read.
3. Work on your visual memoir. 
Do not do this unless you are DONE with your article of the week. 😀
And remember your visual memoir is due Wednesday.

Call in dramatic reading
Return release forms
Work on Visual Memoirs
Open house is Thursday 10/5.

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