
Friday, December 8, 2017

Making Connections and Improvements

"I find your culture of surveillance disturbing."
Goal: Reflecting on the issues in our reading and/or improving your rhetorical precis.

Making Connections
Rhetorical Precis

Making Connections: 

  • The "elf of on a shelf" has become a popular holiday tradition, but what does it say about a culture of surveillance? 
  • Open your English Journal and respond to the prompt below. 
  • How does the picture on the blog today relate to the concepts we have been reading about in Undercover Parent and Big Brother Meets Big Mother? 
Share and select:
Who had an excellent explanation of the image? 
Select a great explanation from your table and submit it here

Improve your precis: 

  1. Open your English Journal 
  2. Review the precis you started yesterday. 
  3. How can you improve it? 
  4. Is it four sentences that follow the structure on the chart? 
  5. Does the fourth sentence mention her tone? (Lots of you forgot that part.)
Read your book
Finish your precis if you needed more time. 

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