
Thursday, December 14, 2017

On the Thursday before winter break

Goal: Write a rhetorical precis for your 3rd article.

Precis assessment
Socratic prep

Precis assessment:

  • You have unscrambled a precis about "Undercover Parent." 
  • You wrote one about "Big Brother Meets Big Mother."
  • Now it is time to write a precis based on the third article you chose to prepare for our socratic seminar. 
The rules:
  1. You will write your precis today. (You can not copy one you wrote last night for practice.)
  2. You can have the article on your screen to refer to. (Remember, paraphrase, don't quote the article.)
  3. You can have this picture of the precis chart on your screen. 
  4. All other tabs should be closed, please. 
  5. I'm giving you paper (gasp). Write as neatly as you can. 
Socratic preparation: 
  • Tomorrow we have a socratic seminar. 
  • Be prepared to talk about the two questions on your preparation document. 
  • Be sure your document is completed. 
  • If you chose to do your preparation digitally make sure you bring a print out. 
  • You earn TWO grades tomorrow. One for your contributions to the discussion, and one for your completed preparation document. 
  • If you are absent you will have a 0 in power school until you attend (and participate in) the make up at 2:30 on 1/9/18. (The 0 is temporary. Don't panic.)

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