
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome Back

Welcome back! 
Happy New Year!

Reading Progress Update
Quick Write
Quick Video? 

Reading Progress Update:

Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #5 or #6. (Finish #5 by Friday.) Update the list in your planner too. 

New Unit: Hip Hop Goes Global
To help us get started we're going to talk about what we know (or don't know) about hip hop.

Quick Write:
In your English Journal:
Reflect and respond to the following prompt:

  • What influence does hip hop have in our society or in our world?
  • What is its message?
  • Is it just music or something more?
Respond to these questions with examples from your own experience and observations.

Open Socrative and join room 6867.

  • If you were absent do the quick write above and watch a short 10 minute video on the history of hip hop culture so you better understand what we will be looking at this week, you can find it here
  • Make-up Socratic Seminar for those absent 12/15 will be AFTER SCHOOL on TUESDAY 1/9. Be in room 357 by 2:25 to participate.  Bring your preparation doc. 
  • On Friday 1/5 we will work on your review of book #5. Finish reading it. 
  • Finals start January 24th. 

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