
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Preparation proceeds success

Goal: Get ready for our test on Friday

Catch-up list

Today: Catch up and plug any gaps in your preparation.
1. Be sure you have read the story from Friday.
2. Re-read the story from Friday so that it is fresh in your mind and you are ready to write about it on your essay test later this week.
3. Complete the poetry analysis paragraph you started yesterday. it should be in your English Journal doc.
4. Be sure your Poe/Laughton essay is completed and ready for grading. It is due tomorrow.

Thursday: I will give you a poem and a graphic organizer to prepare for your essay on Friday.

Friday: You'll be writing an in class essay test comparing the short story you read on Friday last week with a poem. (If you are going to be absent Friday you can take your test during 6th period Thursday if you are available. People absent Friday have a 0 until you make up your test after spring break.)

Keep reading. Be sure you have a good book to read over break.

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