
Monday, April 30, 2018

Extreme Sports Writing Task

Goal: Read and understand the writing task. Get started on an introduction and a thesis. Begin gathering evidence for the rest of my essay.


  1. Read
  2. Locate your extreme sports writing task document assigned to you in Google Classroom. 
  3. Read through the writing task including the scoring guide at the end. 
  4. Choose the quote you want to work with (highlight it on your document). 
  5. Explain the quote in your own words in your introduction. 
  6. Decide wether you agree or disagree with what the quote is saying about life. 
  7. Consider what pieces of evidence you want to use in the following paragraphs of your essay. 
  8. Do some research on the person who said the quotation you are writing about. 
The draft of your complete essay is due Thursday 5/3 (before school) for peer review during class. The final draft is due Monday 5/7.


  • Finish reading book #10 by Wednesday. 
  • Be sure you have a non-fiction article picked out to go with book #10. (Link should be in your EJ already from 4/17.) Be sure you have read the article. << Pro tip. 
  • Friday 5/4 is the end of the grading period. Check your English Journal. Are you missing anything? Could any of your work be better? A little effort now can really help you later. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Socratic Seminar

Goal: A discussion that deepens our understanding of the risks and rewards of participating in Extreme Sports


Socratic Seminar

You need:

  • Your partner: One of you will begin in the inner circle and one of you will begin in the outer circle. You will switch when I ask you to.
  • Your Socratic Seminar Preparation document on paper.

Partner notes: 
On the BACK of your Socratic Seminar Prep doc write these things:
My name is....
My partner's name is...
Things my partner said that added to the discussion were...
Finish reading book #10 by 5/2 so you will be ready to prepare for our next "book review." Hint: it won't be a normal book review. You are reading right?

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Let's be ready to discuss

Goal: Being prepared for our socratic seminar tomorrow.

Review/Turn in Socratic Prep Docs
Review Socratic Expectations

Socratic Preparation Docs:
Your socratic preparation doc should be complete today.
Knowing your position on the questions and knowing which of our course readings support your position will help you participate in the conversation tomorrow.

Review Socratic Expectations:

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Finishing Socratic Seminar Prep

Are you prepared? 
Goals: Finish Socratic seminar prep.

Finish Socratic seminar preparation document
Socratic expectations

All classes have socratic prep docs due tomorrow, Thursday. 

Adjustments by period:
1: You have three questions to prepare. If your document is not finished by the end of class today.  finish it tonight.

2: You have two questions to prepare. We are going to an assembly during period 2 today which is why I shortened your assignment. If it is not finished already, finish it tonight.

3: You have two questions to prepare. I shortened your assignment because we went to the play on Friday and that put us slightly behind. If your document is not finished by the end of class today.  finish it tonight.

5: You have three questions to prepare. If your document is not finished by the end of class today.  finish it tonight.

"Key excerpt" means evidence.
If you don't know one of the people's names on your prep document you should open your unit readings doc and use Ctrl+F to search for their name.
If you aren't sure how to do MLA citations look HERE.
If you want a video explanation you can watch the first minute of THIS VIDEO.

The library will be closed a lot in May for AP tests.
Keep reading book #10. Finish by 5/2. That's next Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Socratic Seminar Prep

Goals: Quick write and make progress on Socratic Seminar preparation.

Quick Write
Socratic Seminar Prep

Quick Write:
Open your English Journal
Explain the quotation below in your own words.
Explain how it relates to extreme sports.
“Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.”
-Johann Friedrich Von Schiller
NOTE: While your EJ is still open check your entry from 4/17. Do you have a link to a non-fiction article that connects with book #10? If you don't then fix that today.

Socratic Seminar Prep:
Our discussion will be on Friday. Your preparation doc is due on THURSDAY.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Preparing for a Socratic Seminar

Goal: Understand the difference between open and closed questions. Write open ended questions about articles we have read in this unit.

Finish documentary (periods 1-3-5)
Review articles and write questions
Socratic Seminar prep

Open questions: 

  • A socratic seminar needs an open question, something worth discussing and something with more than one possible perspectives. Today you'll write some open questions related to our current readings. 
  • (Closed questions have simple answers and generally don't promote discussion.)

Socratic Seminar Preparation:

  • On Friday we are going to have a Socratic Seminar discussion based on the readings in this unit. 
  • To prepare for that you will be looking closely at the articles we have read and creating questions that will guide our discussion. 
  • You will prepare answers based on our readings/viewings and your own perspective. 
  • I have your preparation doc for you on paper. If you would prefer a digital version you can make a copy HERE.
  • Your preparation doc is due on Thursday.  Print it or prepare using a paper copy from me. 

Keep reading. You need a non-fiction article to pair with book #10. (It should already be a link in your English Journal. If it is not find one today.)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Keep Watching

Goals: Continue viewing/note taking the Everest documentary. 

Nutrition Survey
Continue Everest Documentary

Nutrition Survey:
PLHS is interested in what you think about food services at school.
Please complete THIS BRIEF SURVEY.

Periods 1-2 and 5: We will continue watching and taking notes on the Everest documentary we started yesterday.

Period 3: We are meeting in the PAC to see a one act play from the drama class. Please go straight to the PAC and find me, or I might mark you absent.

If your Poe/Laughton essay is graded you can revise it and request a regrade. (See button above.)
If it is not graded you can work on it and improve it before I grade it. (Currently grading period 3.)
Be sure you have picked an article to go with book #10 and added the link to your EJ.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Viewing and annotating Everest film

and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team
Caption from NASA: On Friday, April 26, 2014, an avalanche
on Mount Everest killed at least 13 Sherpa guides.
 NASA Terra spacecraft looked toward the northeast,
 with Mount Everest center, and Lhotse, the fourth-highest
 mountain on Earth, on the skylineto right center.
Goals: Looking at risk and rewards on a larger scale, while tracking ethos, logos, and pathos in a film.

Progress update
Setting up our notes
Film viewing

1. Reading Progress Survey: Complete the FORM.

2. Setting Up Notes: 
  • Use tables in your English Journal to track a few things as we watch the film. 
  • Use a two column table to list risks and rewards you see mentioned in the film. 
  • Use a three row table to note examples of ethos, logos, and pathos in the film. 
  • I will show you examples in class. 
Viewing Questions:
  1.  What are some of the risks associated with climbing Mt. Everest?
  2. What are some of the rewards associated with climbing Mt. Everest?
  3.  Do you think the rewards outweigh the risks? Why/why not?
  4. How do the film makers use ethos, logos, and pathos to support their messages? 
  • Did you find a non-fiction article to go with book #10? If not keep looking for that. Paste a link to it in your English Journal. 
  • Keep reading. 
  • Review your Poe/Laughton essay to check your score and/or work on it before I grade it. You can revise it and request a regrade if it is already scored.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

More practice explaining a quote and then more learning

Goal: Quick write and reading an article. 

Quick Write
Article to read

Quick Write: 
  1. Copy and paste the quote below into your English Journal. 
  2. Explain what it means in your own words. 
  3. Explain how it relates to extreme sports.
“I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.” -Jack London 
Article to read: 

  • Go to the link below. 
  • Login with Google. Let me know if you need the class code. 
  • Be sure to sign in with your Google Account. (Hint: Use the "Sign in with Google" button.)
  • Read: Sherpas Leave Everest and answer the questions as you go. 


  • Did you find a non-fiction article yesterday to go with book #10? If not keep looking for that. Paste a link to it in your English Journal. 
  • Keep reading. 
  • Review your Poe/Laughton essay to check your score and/or work on it before I grade it. You can revise it and request a regrade if it is already scored. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A different kind of book review (for 5/2)

Goals: Learning about expectations for our next book review. 


Learn about your next book review. 
Get started on your preparation

Your task: 

  1. Think about the topics/themes in your current independent reading book. (Book #10)
  2. Pick a nonfiction article, a current event, or something explaining more about the topic of your book. 
  3. The goal is to find something that will inform your reading of your independent reading book and give you more background knowledge about the topic. 
  4. Instead of writing our usual book review you will be writing about how the article you read informed your understanding about your book. 

We will begin this work in our English Journals. 

  1. Open your English Journal and brainstorm a list of all of the major themes and/or topics discussed in your current independent reading book.
  2. Select one theme/topic that you want to find more information about.
  3. Search the web for at least 3-4 non-fiction articles that discuss the same or similar theme/topic as you chose.
  4. Narrow your articles down to one that you want to write about.
  5. Copy the link to the article you are using into your English Journal, so you can find it later. 
  6. Read it carefully. Start noticing how the article relates to your book. 
  7. You will write about the book and the article in class on 5/2. 

EXAMPLE using The Hunger Games:

Possible topics: 

  1. Power of a corrupt government
  2. Dangers of reality televsion
  3. What happens when certain classes of people are oppressed

Possible companion articles:
Keep reading. 
Finish the work from today above. 
Be sure you have read all the articles in our Extreme Sports Unit Readings doc. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Reading to learn

Goal: Building background knowledge.

Quick write
Two articles to read

Quick Write: 

  • Open your English Journal
  • Quick Write: Look at the image on this post. Where do you think these people are? What are they doing? What are the risks and rewards of their experience?
An article to read: 
  • Go to and login with Google. (Be sure to use your account.)
  • Click on "Binder" and scroll down to find the article assigned to you. 
  • Take the quiz. 
  • Write about the article in your English Journal. (1 paragraph summary, 1 paragraph reaction)
  • Give your parent(s) the "salmon" sheet I gave you in class today. You only need to return it if they do not want you to participate in the assembly next Wednesday. 
  • Read, and keep reading. Choose a challenging book. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday: Charting the Text

Goals: Take a closer look at "Extreme Sports Not About Risk Taking" by charting the text.

Charting the text

Charting the text: 

  • On Tuesday you read "Extreme Sports Not About Risk Taking."
  • It is the second article in you unit readings doc. 
  • Open that document. 
  • Complete the "Charting the Text" sheet Ms. Creighton will give you. 
  • Put your name on it. She is collecting it today. 
  • Remember you are separating what the author is saying from what the author is doing
  • Remember the "Rhetorically Active Verbs" chart on the back wall can help you. 
  • Ms. Creighton will decide if you are working alone or with partners. 

Click to see larger version.
Reminders/If you finish early: 

  • Be sure your review of book #9 is complete and in your book review doc.
  • Check your Poe/Laughton essay for revisions.
  • Check out your new book.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday: Review of Book #9

Goals: Write a review of book #9.

Review of book #9

Review of Book #9:

  • Use your BOOK REVIEW document, the one with the yellowish background color, to write your review of book #9. 
  • Use the four paragraph book review structure we have used before. 
  • Remember to include how the book challenged you. 
  • Even if you are not quite done with the book you can still write most of your review. 

Reminders/If you are done: 
  • Be sure your current/new book is checked out to you. 
  • Be sure you have read all the articles in the "Extreme Sports Unit Readings" doc. 
  • Check your Poe/Laughton essay. Need revisions there? 
  • Read your book some more. Book #10 will be finished by 5/2. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday: Reading for Ethos

Goal: More practice explaining a quotation and first read of "A Solemn Warning for Wingsuit Flyers"

Quick write
Book Review Prep
Reading Article #3

Quick write: 
Explain the quote below in your English Journal. (Don't forget to paste the quote into your EJ.)
“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” -Rabindranath Tagore
Book Review Prep: 

  • Tomorrow you'll be writing your review of book #9. 
  • Open your book review document now to be sure you can find it.
  • Write "Review of Book #9" at the top (but not in the header.)
  • Write the title of the book you will be reviewing tomorrow. 
  • We want to be sure everyone is ready to do this tomorrow. 

Reading Article #3: 

  • Read "A Solemn Warning for Wingsuit Flyers" with your partner.
  • Use the "Say Something" protocol to talk about what you are reading as you read.
  • Look closely at the ethos in this article. Where do you find it?


  • Finish reading book #9.
  • Check your Poe/Laughton essay for revisions. 
  • Mrs. R will be out Thursday and Friday for a family event. You still have a lot of work to do. Stay focused. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting some of our unit readings read

Goals: Reading the first two articles in our unit readings using the Say Something protocol.

Review article #1
Read article #2

Review Article #1:

  • Last week I shared a doc with you that had four articles for our extreme sports unit.
  • On Thursday you started by reading the first article about the camp for students with autism (Article #1)
  • Today I want you to go back to that article and look for examples of EthosLogos, and Pathos.
  • Re-read the article and highlight the places where you see evidence that the author is using EthosLogos, and Pathos.
  • It seems to work best if you highlight them in green, blue, and
    pink. EthosLogosPathos. (Those match the colors on our chart too.

Read article #2: 
Use the Say Something protocol with your partner to read Article #2, Extreme Sports Not About Risk-taking.
As you read mark places in the article where you see examples of  EthosLogos, and Pathos.

Keep reading. You write about book #9 on Thursday.
Mrs. R is in the process of grading Poe/Laughton essays. Check your's.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Extreme Listening

Goals: Update Mrs. R about your reading progress, listen to a news article and answer some questions about it.

Reading Progress Survey
Article of the Week (Audio edition)

1. Read: 10-15 minutes silent reading from your book.
Remember to return and/or check out the book you have now.
Next review due 4/12.

2. Reading Progress Survey: Complete the FORM.

3. Article of the week (audio edition):
Our AOW this time will be an audio edition. National Public Radio produces great radio content and today we will listen to a news story about a pretty extreme sport from the recent winter Olympics.
I'll play it for you first and then you can listen to it again.
After we listen you will answer the questions on THIS FORM. (Yes this is a listening score.)

4. Done with the listening?  
  1. Open your English Journal and write a response to the prompt below based on the news story you just listened to.  
Can you think of another sport that attracts a similar type of athlete? Explain the reasoning for your answer.

Need something else to work on? 
  1. Open your Comparative Analysis essay (Poe/Laughton). If I've graded it, what do you need to revise? If I haven't graded it, what can you improve before it gets graded? 
  2. Read

Friday, April 6, 2018

Internet is down, then up, then down...

The internet was down at PLHS for half of my classes, so we are continuing with our paper based writing lesson so that our classes aren't ahead or behind.


  • Bring headphones Monday for a listening lesson. 
  • Keep reading. Next book review is 4/12. 
  • Check your Poe/Laughton essay. Can you make it better before I grade it? Or does it need revision after I graded it? 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Lets look at the readings for this unit

Goal: Preview the major texts for this unit and begin to think about how these authors express their point of view about their subject.

Pre-reading for this unit
Read article 1

1. Before Reading:
With your partner discuss the questions on THIS FORM and write your answers. 

2. Reading

  1. Go to Google Classroom and find the new assignment there called "Extreme Sports Unit Readings" 
  2. Click the document to get your own copy of the readings for this unit. 
  3. Read the FIRST article with your partner. 
  4. Use the "Say Something" strategy to stop and talk several times during your reading, not at the end.  

  • Keep reading. Book #9 review happens next week on 4/12. 
  • Check your English Journal. We added two entries this week. Are they complete? Do they show your best thinking? 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Looking closer at extreme sports and risk taking

Goal: Going further into extreme sports and risk taking. Writing and viewing and writing more. 

  1. Read
  2. English Journal quick write
  3. Some partner work
Quick Write:
Explain the quote below and then write about the extent to which you agree or disagree with it.

“The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” -Jack London 

Partner Work: 
You will work with your partner on this next piece. 
Together you and your partner will complete THIS FORM based on the things I will show you in class.

Clip 1
Clip 2
Clip 3


  1. If you need to make up the test from 3/23 you must do so during advisory/lunch or after school. Check the list by the door for available days. Thursday and Friday look good. 
  2. Keep reading. Book #9 should be finished by 4/12. (That's next Thursday!)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Would you do that?

Goals: Build some background for our next unit.

Quick write
Something unusual
Quick write again

1. Read, make sure your book is checked out to you. You should finish book #9 by 4/12, so be sure you are reading every night at home too.

2. Quick write:
Open your English Journal.
Add a new entry for today and paste in the quote below.
Explain the quote below in your own words. Then explain how much you agree or disagree with it.
“Security is a kind of death.”  -Tennessee Williams 
3. Something unusual
If you have a smart phone get it out. Make sure you have the YouTube app.
Go to the blog with the browser on your phone then click the link above.
When it asks if you want to open the link with YouTube, say yes.
Play the video and then click the little mask icon to make it ready to put into the Google Cardboard.
Share with the people at your table if you are feeling nice like that.

4. Quick write again:
Describe the things you saw and experienced today.
What did you think about them?
Would you try these things IRL? Why or why not?

Monday, April 2, 2018

What's in a name?

Goals: Reading, a pre-assessment of your knowledge of rhetorical strategies and a close reading of a sign.

1. Read
2. Take a quick quiz to see what you already know about some common rhetorical strategies.

3. Read the sign below with your partner. 
What is the author trying to tell parents?
What is the author claiming?
How does the author support his/her claims?

Ready? Go to and join room PLHS.

Absent on 3/23? You missed an in class writing assignment/essay test. You will have a zero for it in power school. You need to make it up.

Your options are:
1. Come after school. (See the chart by the door for available days.)
2. Come during advisory and plan to continue writing into lunch time.
You can't make it up during class time because you will miss instruction.