- Read
- Locate your extreme sports writing task document assigned to you in Google Classroom.
- Read through the writing task including the scoring guide at the end.
- Choose the quote you want to work with (highlight it on your document).
- Explain the quote in your own words in your introduction.
- Decide wether you agree or disagree with what the quote is saying about life.
- Consider what pieces of evidence you want to use in the following paragraphs of your essay.
- Do some research on the person who said the quotation you are writing about.
The draft of your complete essay is due Thursday 5/3 (before school) for peer review during class. The final draft is due Monday 5/7.
- Finish reading book #10 by Wednesday.
- Be sure you have a non-fiction article picked out to go with book #10. (Link should be in your EJ already from 4/17.) Be sure you have read the article. << Pro tip.
- Friday 5/4 is the end of the grading period. Check your English Journal. Are you missing anything? Could any of your work be better? A little effort now can really help you later.