
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Close reading and group discussion

Goal: Close read and discussion of the memoir we read yesterday.

Group discussion
Group presentations

Get a copy of the text we are using today HERE. (You will need to be logged in to your account to get the text.)

Group Discussion: Part 1
  • With your group have a discussion about the two questions from the text assigned to your group. 
  • Be prepared to explain those answers to the class. 
  • You must include evidence from the text to support your explanation. Be able to point to the sentence or two that proves your explanation about the answer is the most correct. 
Find your group # and the questions you are responsible for discussing. 
Group 1: 2 and 6
Group 2: 6 and 1
Group 3: 5 and 3
Group 4: 7 and 1
Group 5: 3 and 8
Group 6: 1 and 2

NEXT: Part 2
  • Looking at the text again, what is it really about? What is the author's experience? 
  • What is your closest similar experience? 
  • Add a row to the table in your EJ with this information. (You know the table you started on Tuesday.)
Finish reading your first book asap.

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