
Monday, November 26, 2018

Welcome Back: Introduction to Identity

Goal: Begin to construct an understanding of identity

Gallery Walk
Identity Map

Map Yourself: 

  • There is one sheet of paper at each of your desks. 
  • In the center of the paper, write your name. 
  • In the outer circles, you will write or illustrate different pieces of yourself. You can use this template to help, but feel free to be creative.

Gallery Walk
You may have noticed some photos hanging on the walls around the room. It's up to YOU to make meaning out of these photos. There are no right or wrong answers, but you might find the sentence starters below helpful.


  • Reflect on each image and write your response on a post-it note. Use the sentence starters (right) to help. 
  • This is a quiet activity. Act as though you would in a museum - silence, with the exception of low whispers if you must ask questions.
  • Please put your initials on each sticky note you write. 

Let's Check Ourselves: 
  • Is your English Journal complete? 
  • Are you missing anything in Power School? 
  • Are you done or almost done with Book #4? 
  • Did you finish your review of Book #3 (group novel) from before break? 

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