By popular request, I'm posting a list of things you can catch up on or check on during break. This six week grading period ends 11/30, so now is a good time to get caught up.
1. READ - Reading is the best thing you can do for yourself. You should be aiming to finish book #4 by 11/28 and break is a great time to read.
2. BOOK REVIEW - Finish your review of book #3 (your group novel) if you didn't already finish it in class. Hint, this should be on the "book review" doc that I shared with you on Thursday.
3. Check your ENGLISH JOURNAL - Your English journal has most of the small classwork we did for this grading period. Make sure you have all the assignments complete. Sometimes you start things in class and forget to finish. Sometimes you are absent. We will grade English Journals after break.
NOTE: If you need more explanation for something listed on the chart, you should find the blog post for that date on this blog. It will probably tell you what you need to do. (Click the image to see it larger.)
Request a Regrade:
If you never revised your memoir or your visual memoir you can still work on either or both of those and then request a regrade on the tab above.
Most of you just need to read, relax and enjoy your break time with family and friends. If you really must worry about your English grade, try not to do that for more than a few hours. You need the time off. I need the time off too, so if you email me a question I probably won't get back to you until school starts again. Don't panic.