
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Close Read of Cask of Amontillado

The Cask of Amontillado by manonquinn
Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of the characters in "Cask of Amontillado" by doing a close reading of the first three paragraphs.


Close reading of "Cask of Amontillado," Section1

1. QuickWrite
Open your English Journal and copy, paste, and respond to the following prompt:

What happens to Fortunato at the end of the story? Describe the setting where Fortunato meets his final fate. Use as much imagery and sensory details as you can in your description.

2. Close reading:
  1. Open your copy of "Cask of Amontillado."
  2. Since we did our first reading on GoFormative, you'll need your own copy of the text. Get one HERE
I'll be using some slides in class to walk us through this process. I'll add them here after school so you can review them on your own or if you are absent. 

  • Read your book for 20-30 minutes. You should be finishing Book #7 soon. 
  • Check your English Journal. Do you have all your entries so far this semester? Use the chart in class if you need to double check. 
  • Enjoy your four day weekend! 

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