
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Irony 3 Ways

Goals: Reviewing irony, finding and explaining examples from "The Possibility of Evil"

Your Examples of Irony
One more time with video

Let's review some of the forms of irony that come up most often.  

JOIN HERE and enter the code we give you in class. 

Your examples of Irony:
Complete THIS FORM with your partner to gather examples of irony form "Possibility of Evil."

Video version: 
You get to look at one more explanation of irony. (And if you tell me in the future that you forgot what irony is, I'll have you watch this video again.)
Watch THIS and answer the questions.

  • On Thursday, we're going to keep talking about irony and "The Possibility of Evil." Refresh your memory by reading if you need to! 
  • Tomorrow we're going on a "field trip." Get excited!

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