
Friday, February 1, 2019

Wrapping Up the Week

Goal: Complete your Socratic Prep doc for Book #6 Book Review and write an Article of the Week

Review of Book #6

Review of Book #6:
We're reviewing Book #6 in a DIFFERENT way! You found this out yesterday, so today is your day to finish preparing.
  • You should have a hard copy of the Socratic Book Review document we gave you in class yesterday.
  • If you prefer it digitally, you can make a copy HERE, but you must print it on your own before class on Monday.
  • When we score you, you're getting TWO scores: one for your prepared document and one for your participation in the Socratic Seminar. Some factors of your score are: 
  1. Do you talk about your book? 
  2. Do you reference a theme in your book and explain it? 
  3. Do you ask questions that extend the conversation? 
  4. Do you build on your classmates' questions?
  5. Do you invite other voices into the conversation? 
PRACTICE: One of the best ways you can prepare to talk about your book is to talk about your book. Find a friend, relative, pet, or even the video camera on your phone, and then talk about the book you read. 

Article of the Week 
  • There is an article assigned to you in NewsELA. It's about Kamala Harris announcing her run for president last week. 
  • During her speech, she referenced the first Black American woman to ever run for president back in 1972, Shirley Chisholm.
  • February is Black History Month! 

  • "The Possibility of Evil" in GoFormative was due yesterday. Make sure yours is complete. 
  • Socratic Book Review Docs are due Monday.
  • Article of the Week should be written in your English Journal. Remember, it's a two paragraph response. (First paragraph, summarize the article. Second paragraph, say what you think about the topic.) 

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