
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Essay: Comparative Analysis Poe and Laughton

Goal: Getting started on our comparative analysis paper.

Comparative Analysis Assignment
Modeled Writing: Mood Paragraph

Comparative Analysis Assignment:
  1. You have a new assignment in Google Classroom called "Essay: Comparative Analysis Poe and Laughton"
  2. Read the prompt carefully to yourself and then write one of your body paragraphs. 
  3. Mood Paragraph tutorial video. 
Writing Task:Consider the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe and the movie The Night of The Hunter (1955) directed by Charles Laughton. What techniques do the author and director use to create the theme and mood?

Write a comparative analysis essay about these two works. Consider how each uses irony, mood, and other literary and cinematic techniques to reveal the theme. 
Collected Evidence: The examples you submitted.
Examples of Theme Mood and Irony in Night of the Hunter

Click this image to see it larger.
Due Dates: 
  • Monday 3/11your complete draft is due of your Comparative Analysis Essay. 
  • Thursday 3/7: You will review and self-score your English Journal. Be sure it reflects all your work. 
Essay Due Dates: (Don't panic.)
  • Essay draft due Monday 3/11 for writing groups. You will get a draft grade. Have all your paragraphs done. 
  • Final draft due Thursday 3/14. Revise based on the advice of your writing group. 
  • We will have an end of unit, in class, essay test on 3/15. We will be preparing for it on Tuesday-Thursday of that week. 

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