
Thursday, March 7, 2019

More Essay Progress

Goal: The essay continues. Your goal today is to complete the paragraph on theme.

Self-score English Journal

Intros and Conclusions
Make progress on your essay

1. English Journal Self Score:

  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Review the English Journal Scoring Guide
  3. Determine how you would score your English Journal. 
  4. PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete. 
March 7, 2019 Self Score:        
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.) 

2. Essay Progress: 
  • Let's take a look at the mood and irony paragraphs you have already. 
  • Today, your goal is to finish your theme paragraph. 
  • If you are ready, you can move on to your intro and conclusion. 
 3. Intros and Conclusions
The draft of your complete essay is due Monday 3/11, so please catch up if you are missing one of your body paragraphs. We will have more time for intros and conclusions tomorrow.

Finish reading book #8 by 3/19. 

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