Monday, February 29, 2016

The Language of Film

Goal: Understanding the language of film and some "pre-reading" for our next "text."

The language of film
"Pre-Reading" work

Language of film: 
Just as there are special words for things authors do, there are also special words for things film makers do. This week we will be looking more closely at film, so I'll be teaching you some cinematic language to support that work.

  1. Open your English Journal
  2. I'll be asking you to take some notes and write some ideas while we look at the language of film. 
"Pre-reading" work: 
  • You have gotten very quick with your probable passage gist statements. Can you do it without the graphic organizer? 
  • I'll give you a list of 10 words and you and your partner will use them to write a gist statement about the plot of our next text. 
Read, of course. 
Bring back your articulation card if you still have that. 
Thursday we visit the counseling office. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Finding evidence of irony, mood and theme in "Cask of Amontillado"

Goal: Find evidence of irony, mood and theme in "Cask of Amontillado."

Searching for evidence with your partner

Finding Evidence:
  1. You will complete your work today with your partner.
  2. Together you will find evidence (quotes) in "Cask of Amontillado" that show irony, mood and theme. 
  3. Use THIS FORM to collect your evidence. 
  4. You must explain WHY that quote is a good evidence for the way Poe uses irony, mood or theme. 
  5. Write in complete sentences. (Do not start with, Because...)
  6. You submit ONE form with both of your names on it. 
  7. Other students will eventually see your responses. Proofread before you submit. 
Keep reading your independent reading book.
Articulation cards were due today. If you did not turn yours in the world will keep turning, but find it and get it to me asap. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A focus on language of literature and film

Goal: Take a quiz, Review some vocabulary and get ready to move forward.

Review some literature language
Learn some film language

By now you are really familiar with the characters and events in "Cask of Amontillado." Lets see how well you have been paying attention to this tale. Click HERE to begin your quiz, if you dare.

before we move on to the next phase of our unit there are some words we need to be sure you are comfortable with. Go to and join room # 6867

Language of film: 
Just as there are special words for things authors do, there are also special words for things film makers do. Next week we will be looking more closely at film, so I'll be teaching you some cinematic language to support that work.

Articulation cards are due TOMORROW!
Keep reading at home as your English homework!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Watching Cask of Amontillado

Goal: Understanding "Cask of Amontillado" even better by watching a film version.

Watching "Cask of Amontillado"
Watching it again with questions

Watching "Cask of Amontillado"
There is a pretty good film version that might help some of you with comprehension.
Watch how the filmmakers create mood with the setting, lighting, and dramatic music.

Watching it again with questions:
This version of the film is the same, but it stops and asks you some questions as you watch.
If you have trouble with your browser or loging-in remember our class motto and "Don't Panic!"

Keep reading.
Finish your work from yesterday!
Bring back your BLUE articulation card by Friday!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Looking Deeper at "Cask" and Vision screening

Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of Cask of Amontillado by looking closer at the plot and characters.

Vision Screenings
Catch up and move forward

Partner Work:
  1. Read the rest of Cask of Amontillado if you haven't finished it yet. 
  2. Make a choice.  You may create a PLOT PROFILE of Cask of Amontillado. OR Compare the two characters in the story. You may work together with the person next to you IF you want to work together. 
  3. Share your work with me. Be sure both of your names are on it if you worked as a partnership. 
Bring headphones tomorrow. 

Articulation Cards due Friday!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Close reading some of Cask of Amontillado

Goal: Develop a deeper understanding of the characters in "Cask of Amontillado" by doing a close reading of the first three paragraphs.

Close reading of Cask of Amontillado, Section1

Close reading:
  1. Open your copy of Cask of Amontillado.
  2. If you didn't make your own copy yesterday you can get a copy of the text here. Use File/Make a Copy to get a version you can annotate. 
I'll be using some slides in class to walk us through this process. I'll add them here later for your review. 

Read your book for 30 minutes. You should be starting a new one about now.
Articulation cards due by Friday 2/26. Review them with parents get them signed. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Cask of Amontillado First Reading

Goal: First reading of "Cask of Amontillado" with predictions.

First read of "Cask of Amontillado"

Reading "Cask of Amontillado" with a partner while predicting. 
  1. Open your Google Drive and find the new document shared with you called "Cask of Amontillado Predictions"
  2. Open the document and use the link at the top to get the text of the story. (You can make your own copy of the story.)
  3. Follow the directions in the predictions document to read and predict as you go. 
Homework: Finish reading and predicting on Cask of Amontillado. 
Read your independent book for at least 30 minutes. You should be almost done with it by now.
Return articulation card by 2/26 after you discuss your choices with parents. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Probable Passage Reprise

Goal: A second probable passage activity to get us ready for our next reading. It will help you get to know some of the words from the story and get you thinking about what might happen.

Questions about articulation
How to email your counselor
Probable Passage
A bit more art

How to email your counselor:
Click HERE to see your counselor's name and email address.

Probable Passage:
  1. Work with your partner to complete the probable passage. Get the view only version HERE and make your own copy. Share it with your partner.
  2. Look up any words you don't know as you work. 
  3. Discuss your reasoning as you go.
  4. Use as many of the words as you can in your gist statement. 
  5. Write your gist statement on the postit I will give you. 
  6. Also copy your gist statement in to your English Journal. 
Our next reading takes place in a foreign land long ago. I'll show you some art to help you get acquainted with the time and place. 

Read your independent book for at least 30 minutes. You should be almost done with it by now.
Discuss your courses for next year with your parents. Cards due 2/26.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Articulation Presentation

Today counselors are speaking to our class about course selections for next year.

You got a blue card like the one in this picture>>

Take it home, review it with your parents, get it signed, and bring it back to Mrs. Roberts.

Choose your course selections for next year very carefully. Choose courses that are right for you. Get advice from your current teachers.

Return the card to Mrs. R before February 26th!

If you are absent see Mrs. R for an articulation card.

Check on your English Journal.
Keep reading.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Irony in Possibility of Evil

Goal: Understanding three types of irony.

Irony on your own

Trying something new: 
THIS VIDEO has questions added to it. As you watch it on your own you will answer the questions when the video stops. When it asks if you want to join our class say, yes.

Want to watch more ironic videos? Check out this playlist.

Write a paragraph in your English journal about the irony in "Possibility of Evil." Use 1-2 examples from the story and explain WHY that example is ironic.

Comparative essay about the art you saw on Thursday is due tomorrow 2/17 in class on paper.
Counselors visit us tomorrow to talk about courses for next year.
Keep reading.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

7th period: Writing about "Possibility of Evil"

Goal: Write a paragraph about the theme in "Possibility of Evil"

Finish reading "Possibility of Evil"

Open your English Journal.
Use the frame below to write about the theme in "Possibility of Evil."
Use evidence from the text to support your points.

In "Possibility of Evil" by Shirley Jackson she explores the theme that ____________ ________________________. One way we see this is when __________________________. Another example is ______________________________________________________. This reveals that ______________________________________. In other words Shirley Jackson wants us to know that __________________________________________.

Periods 3&6: Comparative Analysis-Art

Goal: Visiting the art gallery to compare two works of art.

Group 1 visits the art gallery
Group 2 finish reading possibility of evil
(Then we swap)

Visiting the Art Gallery:
Advanced art students have work on display in the 200 building gallery.
We will visit in two groups for roughly half the period each.
You will choose two art works to compare.
Use the note taking sheet I provided you with to record your thinking.
(Absent? Get the note taking sheet HERE and choose two works of art you find online HERE.)

Use your notes about the two art pieces to craft a clear three paragraph comparison essay. There is a suggested outline on the back of your note-taking sheet.
Essays are due in class on Wednesday 2/17/16. Turn it in on paper. You can type or hand write your essay.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Continue reading Possibility of Evil

Goal: Finish the reading we started yesterday. 

See post below. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reading for evidence in Possibility of Evil

Such lovely roses. 
Goal: Read the beginning of The possibility of Evil while gathering evidence to support your thinking. Complete the reading organizer as you go.

Read Possibility of Evil

Possibility of Evil:
  1. Open your Google Drive and Check "Shared with me" or "incoming" for a new document called "Reading Organizer." 
  2. Click the link at the top of the reading organizer to access the PDF of the reading. 
  3. Follow the directions on the reading organizer to stop and answer the questions as you go. Be sure to include the quotations from the story (evidence) that supports your thinking. 
  4. We will take more than one day to read this, but try to get through at least half today. 
Catch up in your English Journal. You should have three entries. 
Read, you should be half way through a book at least. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Probable Passage

Goal: Review and sort words from an upcoming reading to make predictions about the text.

Probable Passage Activity

Probable Passage: 
1. With your partner get this Probable Passage document. (One of you make the copy and share it with your partner.)
2. Sort the words into the plot profile categories and then use those words to write a prediction for the story we will read on Monday.
3. Paste your prediction (gist statement) into your English Journal.

Reminders: Read, really read a lot. You need to read and review two books of your choice this grading period. Less than 5 weeks left. If you don't like your book ask for help picking a better one.
-Next book reviews due March 16th.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

District Literacy Interim Assessment #2

Goal: Begin the district Interim Literacy Assessment #2.

Student Directions: 
  1. Go to: 
  2. Login with your district username and password, the same one you use to login to the netbooks. 
  3. You should see Pending Assessments on the right.
  4. Choose Literacy Interim Assessment 2 -Grade 9. 
  5. Read the directions carefully as you work through the assessment. 
  6. Read your book when you finish.
  7. We will have more time for this on Friday. 

  • Read your independent reading book. (If you don't want to read it then you have the wrong book. Let me help you get a better one.) 
  • Catch up on anything you haven't finished in your English Journal. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Even more poetry

CC Photo by: Lew (tomswift) Holzman
Goals: Using what we learned about SIFT to write about a poem, including figurative language and theme.

1. Read
2. Share out about the poem you read yesterday. Hint: pull up the SIFT doc that your group worked on.

3. With your partner visit and find a poem that interests you.
4. Write an entry in your English Journal. Use the bullets below to help you.
  • Describe the poem you found and why you like it. 
  • Explain how using SIFT takes you deeper into what the poem means. Use a line from the poem with your explanation. (cite evidence)
  • Compare the poem you found to the one you read with your group yesterday. 
Make up any work you have missed so far this week. 
Read. You need to read two books by March 16. That's sooner than you think. 
Are you using your calendar to keep track of things you need to do? 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SIFTing Poems

Goal: Further practice SIFTing poems. 

SIFTing a poem with your group.

SIFTing a poem:

  • Today you will be getting more practice SIFTing poems with a small group. 
  • Use this document to organize your thinking about the poem. (Don't share this with me.)
  • Complete the organizer ALL the way through writing the paragraph at the bottom.
  • PASTE that paragraph into your English Journal
  • Tomorrow you will present this poem to a different group. Be prepared to explain your analysis. 

Poems for Groups
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6

Absent? Choose a poem to SIFT on your own. Be sure to paste that paragraph about the poem into your English Journal when you are done.