Thursday, January 31, 2019

Keep Reading!

Goal: Finish reading "Possibility of Evil" and introduce Book #6 Book Review


Introduce Book Review 6
Finish reading "Possibility of Evil"

Book Review 6 

We are doing a DIFFERENT method for Book Review 6: A Socratic Seminar! 

  • We are giving you hard copies of the Book Review Socratic Preparation document.
  • You can also access it HERE digitally if you prefer, but you must print it before class on Monday. 
  • You have participated in a Socratic Seminar before, so you know how it works. We will have the Socratic Seminars on Monday during class, so come prepared! This counts as your grade for Book #6 Book Review.

Finish reading "Possibility of Evil" 
  • Open GoFormative and finish the reading you started yesterday. You are able to pick up where you left off.
  • You should be able to finish in class, but if not, it's homework.
Finish your GoFormative for "The Possibility of Evil." Grades for this reading will be up on Friday, and they are the first grades in PS for second semester! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

First Read: The Possibility of Evil

Goal: First Read of "The Possibility of Evil" in GoFormative


The Possibility of Evil
  • You made awesome predictions yesterday about the story we're going to start reading today. 
  • Log in at
  • Click on "The Possibility of Evil."
  • Answer the questions as you read.
Are you caught up on your English Journal? You should have an entry from yesterday, 1/29. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Probable Passage

Goal: Review and sort words from an upcoming reading to make predictions about the text.

Reading Progress Update
Probable Passage Activity

Check for Understanding

Reading Progress Update

Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #7. Consider those reading challenges we showed you yesterday when choosing your books.

Probable Passage: 
1. With your partner get this Probable Passage document. (One of you make the copy and share it with your partner. Share it with Ms. Love and Mrs. R, too!)
2. Sort the words into the plot profile categories and then use those words to write a prediction for the story we will read tomorrow.
3. Paste your prediction (gist statement) into your English Journal.


  • Reading is always your homework. 
  • We'll be writing about Book #6 later this week, so make sure you're ready. 
  • We're at the start of the semester and it's your time to shine! 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Welcome to Second Semester!

Goal: Learn about new reading challenges and take an assessment

Reading Challenges
District Assessment

Reading Challenges
This semester, challenge yourself by going outside your comfort zone and introducing yourself to new material!

FAST Assessment
  • Today we need to take a quick reading assessment. I will give you instructions in class. 
  • You will need headphones. 
  • Wait for instructions so we can walk you through the process of logging in. 
  • This test is really helpful in determining the kind of curriculum you encounter in your school journey. Show what you know!

  • Welcome to a new semester! We love a fresh start! 
  • Cumulative grades start over. 
  • Homework is always to read! Book #6 should be done by today, and you should have a great book for Book #7.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

It's Finally Finals (For first semester anyway)

Goal: Show what you know and are able to do on our first semester final.

I'll be providing you with a link to the final and the passages you'll be reading in class. Be sure you scroll down to Tuesday (below) and get the study guide.

I should have your scores posted in Power School by 2:00 PM the day of your final.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Review for Final

Goal: Reviewing for the final.

English Journal Self Assessment
Review Strategies
Review Practice

1. English Journal Self Score
  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Review the English Journal Scoring Guide
  3. Determine how you would score your English Journal. 
  4. PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete. 
January 22, 2019 Self Score:        
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.) 
2. Letter to McBride Self-Score:
Your letter to Mr. McBride is due today. (You worked on it Wednesday and Thursday last week and got feedback from your writing group on Friday.)
Click HERE to complete your self evaluation of your letter.

3. Study Guide for the Final
You probably already have a copy of the study guide, but just incase you don't here it is again.
The final covers all the concepts we have learned since September. Besides the study guide links below, you can also review through the blog posts from September forward.
Review the question types. Ask questions about words or concepts you don't remember.

4. Review Quizizz: 
You can review some of the concepts on the final by playing these review Quizizz:
Access each of the quizizz below at and enter the join code:
Reading the Novel Review Quiz  635520
Connotation & Denotation +Diction 474545
Rhetorical Precis 897446

Finals Schedule:
Wednesday  1 & 2
Thursday    3 & 4
Friday      5 & 6

Friday, January 18, 2019

Writing Groups

Goal: Writing groups for your letter to Mr. McBride

Writing Group Procedures
Writing Groups

Writing Groups:
Sharing your writing with a group will help you improve your writing and learn what a reader might think while reading your work.
Follow the procedures in the chart or on THIS PAGE with your group.
Be sure to check out the RUBRIC for your letter.
Important Dates and Reminders:
You will share your draft with your writing group on Friday 1/18.
Final draft of your response to McBride is due Tuesday 1/22.
Keep reading. Finish book #6 by Monday 1/28.
Last day to request any regrades is 1/22.
Finals begin 1/23.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Progress on Letters to McBride

Goal: Progress on our letters to McBride.

Check PowerSchool
Reading Progress Update
Letter to McBride

1. Reading Progress Update
  • Click HERE to complete your final Reading Progress Update of first semester. Congrats!
2. Check Power School:
  • Now is a good time to check your grades.
  • Are you missing anything you could make up?
  • Is there anything you can still work on for a regrade?
  • Is there anything I made a mistake on? 
3. Letter to McBride:
  • Yesterday you began a letter to Mr. McBride. 
  • Today we will work on the second paragraph. 
  • Tomorrow you need a complete draft to share with your writing group for feedback. 
  • Remember, you can view the rubric HERE to see how the assignment is scored.
Frames for your second paragraph: (You will need more than this, but these might help.)
  • One of the things you wrote was, "..(include quotation from the text)...." I agree/disagree with that because (include your personal experience or example to show why you agree or disagree.)
  • You also stated that, "....(quotation from text)..." I think this is true/not true because...(give reasons, evidence for why you thing this is true or not.) 
Important Dates and Reminders:
  • Your complete draft of your letter to McBride is due Friday 1/18.
  • Keep reading. Finish book #6 by Monday 1/28. 
  • Last day to request any regrades is 1/22. 
  • Finals begin 1/23.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Writing a response to James McBride

Goal: Beginning a draft of your response to James McBride.

Explain writing assignment
Begin drafting

Writing Assignment Background:
  • We have been reading and analyzing James McBride's Hip Hop Planet; now it is time to write about it more formally.
  • Go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM and find the new assignment called Letter to James McBride. 
  • Carefully read the directions in Google Classroom and on the template where you will write your letter. 

  • Now that you have considered the topic of hip hop and its global influence, you will write a summary and response in the format of a letter.
  • Your task is to compose a letter to James McBride with the purpose of letting him know what you think about the claims he makes about the importance and power of hip hop in his essay.
  • The first paragraph of the letter will be a summary where you show McBride that you understand the main points of his essay. (You can probably use your rhetorical precis as the basis for this.) The second paragraph of your letter will be a thoughtful and formal response to his ideas.

Important Dates and Reminders:
  • Your complete draft of your letter to McBride is due Friday 1/18. 
  • Keep reading. Finish book #6 by Monday 1/28. 
  • Last day to request any regrades is 1/22. 
  • Finals begin 1/23.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Goal: Soapstone for Hip Hop Planet and start on a rhetorical précis. 

Read (Book checkout?)
SOAPSTone with your partner
Rhetorical Précis of Hip Hip Planet

1. SOAPSTone: 
Work with your partner to complete the SOAPSTone activity. (One form with BOTH your names. )

2. Rhetorical Precis:
Write a four sentence rhetorical précis of Hip Hop Planet.

Be sure your English Journal is up to date.
Finish book #6 by 1/28.
Remember you can still retake your précis test. See retake instructions

For Fun: 
Do you know your rap lyrics? Think you can tell the difference between Tupac and Shakespeare? lets find out. Go to and enter game code 422481. Good luck.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Charting the text of Hip Hop Planet

Goal: Delve deeper into what McBride is saying and doing in his essay.

Charting the Text

Charting the Text:

  • You will need your digital copy of Hip Hop Planet. It's in your Google Drive
  • I'll give you the charting organizer on paper.
  • Work with your group to look at what McBride is saying in each section.
  • There is a chart in the back of the room, but you can also click on the picture to get a larger version of the rhetorical verbs. >>

Be sure your English Journal is up to date.
Book #6 must be finished by January 28th. 
Keep reading. Reading is always your homework.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Close Read of Hip Hop Planet

Goal: Our goal today is a closer examination of part of the text we read yesterday to help us understand the author's purpose better.

Close reading of part of Hip Hop Planet
English Journal Entry

You will need: 
Hip Hop Planet (in Google Classroom)
Your English Journal

Close Reading: 
Now that you've read James McBride's complete article, we're going to spend some time today focusing on just a few paragraphs, specifically the last two paragraphs.

Today's English Journal Entry:
Respond to the following questions in your English Journal.

   1. What is McBride’s purpose for writing this article?
   2.  Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?

Keep reading book #6. Finish by 1/28.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

First Read of Hip Hop Planet

Goal: First reading of Hip Hop Planet.

First read of Hip Hop Planet

First Read: 
  • Today you will do a first reading of "Hip Hop Planet," an essay by James McBride. 
  • You will use GO FORMATIVE to read the text and answer questions along the way.
  • If you need help logging into Go Formative, let one of us know.

    • Be sure your book review of Book #5 is complete.
    • Finish book #6 by 1/28/19.  Keep reading!

    Wednesday, January 9, 2019

    Reading, Writing, Listening...

    Learn a bit more about the history and culture of hip hop, while working on your listening skills.


    Listening activity (get out your headphones)
    Catch up

    History of Hip Hop
    Go to Google Classroom to watch the video about the history of Hip Hop. There are questions you will answer throughout. 
    *If you are not in our Google Classroom, see Ms. Daniel or Mrs. Roberts for help!

    Catch Up
    Review the blog post from yesterday. 
    Did you complete your review of book #5? 
    Do you need me to look at your re-written précis? 
    Do you need an advisory pass for a précis retake?
    Have you read the retake directions?

    Socratic Make Up

    TODAY 1/9 at 2:25. Don't be late. Bring your preparation doc.
    This is for anyone absent on 12/21 OR anyone who was here on 12/21 and didn't participate. 
    I passed out invitations yesterday and hope to see you all here.

    Tuesday, January 8, 2019

    Review of Book #5

    Goal: Complete your review of your independent reading book, for book #5

    Rhetorical Precis Retake
    Review of Book #5

    Rhetorical Precis Retake: 

    • You can retake your rhetorical précis test from before break if you want to improve your score. 
    • You should do this if your score was low, so that you can practice and imporve your précis skills. 
    • The retake instructions are very specific. Be sure to read them carefully. 

    Review of Book #5:
    • Open the "Book Review 18-19" document shared with you in your Google Drive. This is the same document you used to write your review of book #4.
    • Put your cursor ABOVE your review of book #4 and add a new entry for Review of Book #5
    • Follow the book review structure.
    • Make sure this is in your book review doc and NOT in your English Journal. 
    • Socratic seminar make up is Wednesday 1/9 at 2:25. Don't be late. This is for anyone absent on 12/21 OR anyone who was here on 12/21 and didn't participate.
    • Rewrite your original precis if you want to be eligible for a retake. Read re-take instructions.
    • Check out your independent reading book on the blog.

    Monday, January 7, 2019

    Welcome Back!

    Welcome Back and Happy New Year! 

    Goal: Reading progress update and introduction to new unit.

    Reading Progress Update
    Quick Write
    Quick Video

    Reading Progress Update
    Did you read over break? Click HERE to complete a new Reading Progress Update. You should be finishing up Book #5 soon, and getting ready to move onto Book #6 if you're not already there.

    New Unit: Hip Hop Goes Global
    To help us get started, we're going to talk about what we know (or don't know) about Hip Hop.

    Quick Write: 
    In your English Journal, respond to the following prompt:
    • What influences does hip hop have in our society and our world? 
    • What is its message?
    • Is it just music, or is it something more?
    Respond to these questions with your own examples or observations from your experience.

    Open SOCRATIVE and join with the room code we give you in class. 

    • If you were absent, be sure to finish the QuickWrite in your English Journal. 
    • Make-up Socratic Seminar for those absent 12/21 will be AFTER SCHOOL on WEDNESDAY 1/9. Be in room 357 by 2:25 to participate.  Bring your preparation doc. 
    • You should be just about finished with Book #5. We will be writing about it soon. 
    • Pick out a great book for Book #6. 
    • Finals start January 23rd!