Friday, August 31, 2018

High School: Week 1, almost done.

Goals: Taking stock, reading, writing, appreciating

Choose your fate

2nd period: 9th grade assembly. We go to the big gym. 

All other periods: 
You will be choosing your fate.
Would you like to do lesson A, B, or C?
You'll decide with your class.


  1. Read this weekend. You should be almost 1/2 way through book #1 by Tuesday.
  2. Get a trash bag. You know what to do with it right?
  3. Clean up your room before you start getting lots of homework. (The world is messy. Start somewhere.)

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Six words for all that matters

Goals: Read and learn about 6 word memoirs. Then write some. 


Read, be sure you have a good book you like. 
6 Word Memoirs

6 Word Memoirs:

What are 6 word memoirs? 
Heck what is a memoir? 
Some more examples

Lets write some, or six or seven. 

1. Open a new Google Doc. (Hint, go to DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM and click NEW.)
2. Write 6 or 7 possible six word memoirs that are personal to YOU!
3. Complete the STUDENT DATA FORM


  • Check out the books you borrow. 
  • Keep reading every night. Remember 2 books every six weeks. 
  • If you wan to, you can post your memoir on (Note, you need to register and create an account to post your memoir.)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Textbook check out day, aka bicep improvement day

Goal: Reading, 4 Corners Activity, Textbook check out.

1. READ: Get out your book or borrow a new one.

2. Walking Wednesday: 
As promised, it is time to move those feet.
We will be walking in class and then we walk to the library.

3. Textbook check out: 
  • We will all go to the library to check out our textbooks.
  • Bring your ID, a pen, and your printed schedule.
  • You will NOT go to your locker during class time. (You might get to leave a few minutes early to take books to your locker at the end of the period.)
Back in the classroom:
  • Write your NAME in ALL of your books
  • Check books for any damage. Report damage to Ms. Cooper in the Library asap or you could get charged for damage to your books.
  • Keep your English textbook at home (or in your locker.) 
  • Carry a plastic bag in the bottom of your backpack to protect your books if it rains. (A 13 gallon kitchen trash bag works well. Water can damage books, which costs you $$.)

Things you should be working on: 
  • Did you check out the book you are reading if you borrowed it from our classroom? 
  • Did you join our Google Classroom? 
  • Did you click "TURN IN" on the Google Doc where you wrote your letter yesterday? 

Reading 15-20 minutes every night is your homework. 
If you don't like your book say something. We can help you find a better book. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Welcome to Time Traveling Tuesday


Get out your independent reading books. If you do not have one, take this time to find one already on your table or from the shelves. If you borrow a book, be sure to check it out using the "Borrow a Book" button on this blog.

I told you yesterday that we would be using our computers in this class almost every day. That starts now. This means we have a few goals for today:
  1. Get a Chromebook: You will be assigned a Chromebook number and that number will be yours.
  2. Sign in: The adults in the room will help you do this if you do not know what it is and/or how to do it.
  3. Access this blog: This website address is posted in the room.
  4. Get a new book today? Check it out using the button on the right >>. 
Time Travel Time: 
  • We are sending you to the future. You will be visiting June of 2022
  • You will need a special code to join this journey. I'll give it to you in class. 

Oh and don't forget:

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Welcome to PLHS, And English, And High School, And Room 357!

Hello and welcome to Point Loma! 

We're going to have a fantastic year of learning together, and that means we have a lot to do today. The first thing to know is that this blog will be where we start each day, and it will link you to everything else you will need for our class. We're very excited to get to know all of you, so let's get started!

A few reminders for Tuesday (that's tomorrow):