Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reading for evidence in Possibility of Evil

Such lovely roses. 
Goal: Read the beginning of The possibility of Evil while gathering evidence to support your thinking. Complete the reading organizer as you go.

Read Possibility of Evil

Possibility of Evil:
  1. Open your Google Drive and Check "Shared with me" for a new document called "Reading Organizer." 
  2. Click the link at the top of the reading organizer to access the PDF of the reading. 
  3. Follow the directions on the reading organizer to stop and answer the questions as you go. 
  4. Be sure to include the quotations from the story (evidence) that supports your thinking. 
  5. We will take more than one day to read this, but try to get through at least half today. 
  6. Finish the organizer by Friday. (I plan to review them for a progress grade.) 
Catch up in your English Journal. You should have two entries. 
Read, always read. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Probable Passage

Goal: Review and sort words from an upcoming reading to make predictions about the text.

Reading Progress Update
Probable Passage Activity

Reading Progress Update:
  • Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #7. Update the list in your planner too. 

Probable Passage: 
1. With your partner get this Probable Passage document. (One of you make the copy and share it with your partner.)
2. Sort the words into the plot profile categories and then use those words to write a prediction for the story we will read tomorrow.
3. Paste your prediction (gist statement) into your English Journal.

Reminders: Read, really read a lot. You need to read and review two books of your choice this grading period. Be sure they each fit one of the READING CHALLENGES (see yesterday's post.) If you don't like your book ask for help picking a better one.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Reading Challenges and Article of the Week

Goal: New reading challenges and practicing our article of the week skills. 

Reading Challenges
Article of the week

Article of the week: 
  • Read THIS ARTICLE and write a two paragraph response in your English Journal. 
  • The first paragraph should be a summary of the main idea and details. 
  • The second paragraph should be your thoughts and opinions about what you read. 

Brief discussion of any thoughts you'd like to share. 


  • This is the beginning of a new semester. 
  • Cumulative grades start over. 
  • Your homework is to read, but please also watch the news, read the news. Stay informed. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday-Friday: FINALS

Goal: Show what you know and are able to do on our first semester final.

I'll be providing you with a link to the final and the passages you'll be reading in class. Be sure you scroll down to Tuesday (below) and get the study guide.

I should have your scores posted in Power School by 2:00 PM the day of your final.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Book Conversations

Goals: Having conversations about the books we have been reading.

Book conversations

Book Conversations: 
  • Using the preparation doc you completed yesterday tell your group about the book you read. 
  • Refer to the chart >>   about extending conversations to encourage the people in your group to say more about their books. 
  • Note: These things should always be said in a helpful way. 
  • Speaking and listening are skills expected of you by our state standards. We want to help you develop those skills. 
  • Today is the last day to request a regrade on writing assignments from earlier in the semester. 
  • Your letter to Mr. McBride should now be complete. 
  • Finals start tomorrow. Use the link below to see the study guide for the final if you haven't already done that. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Preparing for book review #6

Goals: Self evaluation of your letter to McBride and preparing for book review #6.

Self evaluate your letter to Mr. McBride
Prepare for book review #6

Self Evaluation: 
Use THIS FORM to self evaluate your letter to Mr. McBride.

Book Review #6: 
  • Book review #6 will be in the form of a book discussion TOMORROW.
  • Prepare for your book review discussion using the graphic organizer I gave you in class.
  • You only need notes to yourself and bullet points, but you do need to prepare, and I will collect your preparation documents.
  • Because this is a discussion you should be prepared to answer questions about your book from other students.
  • Absent? Get a copy of the doc you need to prepare HERE. Print it and bring it to class tomorrow. 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Writing Groups for Letter to McBride

Goal: Writing groups for your letter to Mr. McBride

Writing Group Procedures
Writing Groups

Writing Groups: 
  • Sharing your writing with a group will help you improve your writing and learn what a reader might think while reading your work. 
  • Follow the procedures in the chart or on THIS PAGE with your group. 
  • Be sure to check out the RUBRIC for your letter. 
Chrome Extension: 
If you want to add the chrome extension I showed you in class you can find it here


  • Read! (Really not kidding about that. Book reviews happen Monday)
  • Finish your letter to Mr. McBride. Due MONDAY.
  • Last day to request any regrades is 1/23. 
  • Finals begin 1/24. 

        Thursday, January 18, 2018

        Progress on letters to McBride

        Goal: Progress on our letters to Mc Bride. 

        Reading Progress Update
        Letter to McBride

        Reading Progress Update:
        • Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #6. Update the list in your planner too. 
        Check Power School:
        Now is a good time to check your grades
        Are you missing anything you could make up?
        Is there anything you can still work on for a regrade?
        is there anything I made a mistake on? 

        Letter to McBride:
        • Yesterday you began a letter to Mr. McBride. 
        • Today we will work on the second paragraph. 
        • Tomorrow you need a complete draft to share with your writing group for feedback. 
        Chrome Extension: 
        If you want to add the chrome extension I showed you in class you can find it here

        • You will share your draft with your writing group on Friday 1/19. 
        • Final draft of your response to McBride is due Monday 1/22.
        • Keep reading. Finish book #6 by Monday 1/22. 
        • Last day to request any regrades is 1/23. 
        • Finals begin 1/24. 

        Wednesday, January 17, 2018

        Writing a Response to James McBride

        Goal: Beginning a draft of your response to James McBride.

        Explain writing assignment
        Begin drafting

        Writing Assignment: 
        • We have been reading and analyzing James McBride's Hip Hop Planet; now it is time to write about it more formally. 
        • I've sent you a document to write your assignment. Look for it in your "Shared with Me" section in Google Drive. 

        • Now that you have considered the topic of hip hop and its global influence, you will write a summary and response in the format of a letter.
        • Your task is to compose a letter to James McBride with the purpose of letting him know what you think about the claims he makes about the importance and power of hip hop in his essay.
        • The first paragraph of the letter will be a summary where you show McBride that you understand the main points of his essay. (You can probably use your rhetorical precis as the basis for this.) The second paragraph of your letter will be a thoughtful and formal response to his ideas.
        You will share your draft with your writing group on Friday 1/19. 
        Final draft of your response to McBride is due Monday 1/22.
        Keep reading. Finish book #6 by Monday 1/22. 
        Last day to request any regrades is 1/23. 
        Finals begin 1/24. 

        Tuesday, January 16, 2018

        January Reading Inventory and Catching Up

        Goals: District reading inventory assessment.

        Reading inventory assessment
        Finish your precis of Hip Hop Planet
        • Today we take a reading inventory assessment. 
        • It may take you the whole period, or you may have some time to read your book when you finish.
        • It will give us valuable data about how you read. This will not become part of your grade, but you will get your results when you finish. 

        START HERE
        (If you are absent don't try to take this test at home.)

        Keep reading. You'll be finishing book #6 by 1/22.
        Finish your precis of Hip Hop Planet. This will help you tomorrow. I promise.
        Check your memoir. You can still work on revisions and request a regrade.

        Friday, January 12, 2018

        Rhetorical Precis for the win

        Goal: Write an excellent rhetorical precis about Hip Hop Planet.

        HHP precis
        Share with your group
        Catch up

        Hip Hop Planet Precis:

        • The SOAPSTone you did yesterday should help you with your precis. 
        • You probably already started it in your English Journal. 
        • Now it's time to finish it. 

        Improve your precis: 
        • Share what you wrote with your table
        • Agree on a favorite
        • Give the author some advice to improve it more. (You want your table to win right?)
        • Improve yours based on what you hear. 
        • Submit the "winner" at your table HERE. (Only one submission per table.)
        • Read or catch up on other work while Mrs. R reviews the entries. 
        Make sure you have a good book for this long weekend. 
        Finish book #6 by 1/22. (That's soon.)
        I'll have a study guide for your final for you for next week. If you want to study this weekend, look back through the blog and remind yourself what we have done so far this semester. 

        Thursday, January 11, 2018

        Writing a Rhetorical Precis of Hip Hop Planet

        Goal: Soapstone for Hip Hop Planet and start on a rhetorical precis. 

        Read (Book checkout?)
        SOAPSTone with your partner
        Rhetorical Precis of Hip Hip Planet

        Work with your partner to complete the SOAPSTone activity. (One form with BOTH your names. 

        Rhetorical Precis:
        Open your ENGLISH JOURNAL. 
        Write a four sentence rhetorical precis of Hip Hop Planet.

        Be sure your English Journal is up to date.
        Finish book #6 by 1/22
        Remember you can still retake your precis test. See retake instructions

        Wednesday, January 10, 2018

        Charting the text of Hip Hop Planet

        Goal: Delve deeper into what McBride is saying and doing in his essay.

        Charting the Text

        Charting the Text:
        • You will need your digital copy of Hip Hop Planet.
        • I'll give you the charting organizer on paper.
        • Work with your group to look at what McBride is saying in each section.
        • Click on the picture to get a larger version of the rhetorical verbs. >>
        Be sure your English Journal is up to date.
        Book #6 must be finished by January 22. 
        Keep reading. Reading is always your homework.

        Tuesday, January 9, 2018

        Close Read of Hip Hop Planet

        Goal: Our goal today is a closer examination of part of the text we read yesterday to help us understand the author's purpose better.

        NOTE: Socratic make-up is TODAY after school. Be in room 357 by 2:25 to participate. Bring your preparation doc if you still have it. If you don't have it come anyway.

        Close reading of part of Hip Hop Planet
        English Journal Entry

        You will need: 
        Hip Hop Planet (in 'shared with me')
        Your English Journal

        Close Reading: 
        Now that you've read James McBride's complete article, we're going to spend some time today focusing on just a few paragraphs, specifically the last two paragraphs.

        Today's English Journal Entry:
        Respond to the following questions in your English Journal.

           1. What is McBride’s purpose for writing this article?
           2.  Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?

        Carry a plastic trash bag in your backpack to wrap your textbooks when it rains. You are responsible for water damage.
        Keep reading book #6. Finish by 1/22.

        Monday, January 8, 2018

        First Read of Hip Hop Planet

        Goal: First reading of Hip Hop Planet using the "Say Something" protocol.

        First read of Hip Hop Planet

        First Read: 
        • Today you will do a first reading of "Hip Hop Planet," an essay by James McBride. 
        • You will use the same "Say Something" protocol we have used before. 
        • Read on your own, but stop after every few paragraphs to talk to your partner about what you understand and don't understand. 
        • The essay is shared with you in your Google Drive. (Look in shared with me, switch to list view.)
        Socratic Seminar make up after school TUESDAY 1/9 at 2:25. 
        Finish book #6 by 1/22/18.  Keep reading. 

        Friday, January 5, 2018

        Review of Book #5

        Goal: Complete your review of your independent reading book, for book #5

        Review of Book #5

        Review of Book #5:
        • Open the "Book Review 17-18" document shared with you in your Google Drive. This is the same document you used to write your review of book #4.
        • Put your cursor ABOVE your review of book #4 and add a new entry for Review of Book #5
        • Follow the book review structure.
        • Make sure this is in your book review doc and NOT in your English Journal. 

        • Socratic seminar make up is Tuesday 1/9 at 2:25. Don't be late. This is for anyone absent on 12/15 OR anyone who was here on 12/15 and didn't participate.
        • Rewrite your original precis if you want to be eligible for a retake. Read re-take instructions.
        • Check out your independent reading book on the blog.

        Thursday, January 4, 2018

        Reading, Listening, Writing....

        Goals: Learn a bit more about the history and culture of hip hop, while working on your listening skills.

        Listening activity (get out your headphones)
        Catch up

        History of Hip Hop:
        Watch THIS VIDEO and answer the questions as you go. Yes, this counts. (You must be signed into your account to view this. If you still can't see it you may need to join our Google Classroom, see Mrs. R for help.)
        Link for 5th period. 

        Catch Up:
        Review the blog post from yesterday. Did you complete those things? Reading progress.
        Are you ready to write your review of book #5 tomorrow in class? Do you need a head start?
        Do you need me to look at your re-written precis? Have you read the retake directions?

        Socratic Make Up
        Tuesday 1/9 at 2:25. Don't be late. Bring your preparation doc.
        This is for anyone absent on 12/15 OR anyone who was here on 12/15 and didn't participate. You get another chance.

        Wednesday, January 3, 2018

        Welcome Back

        Welcome back! 
        Happy New Year!

        Reading Progress Update
        Quick Write
        Quick Video? 

        Reading Progress Update:

        Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #5 or #6. (Finish #5 by Friday.) Update the list in your planner too. 

        New Unit: Hip Hop Goes Global
        To help us get started we're going to talk about what we know (or don't know) about hip hop.

        Quick Write:
        In your English Journal:
        Reflect and respond to the following prompt:

        • What influence does hip hop have in our society or in our world?
        • What is its message?
        • Is it just music or something more?
        Respond to these questions with examples from your own experience and observations.

        Open Socrative and join room 6867.

        • If you were absent do the quick write above and watch a short 10 minute video on the history of hip hop culture so you better understand what we will be looking at this week, you can find it here
        • Make-up Socratic Seminar for those absent 12/15 will be AFTER SCHOOL on TUESDAY 1/9. Be in room 357 by 2:25 to participate.  Bring your preparation doc. 
        • On Friday 1/5 we will work on your review of book #5. Finish reading it. 
        • Finals start January 24th.