Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Memoir Progress

Goal: Memoir progress, get more writing, more revision, or more dialog into your memoir.

Writing workshop

  • Group 1: You need to make progress on getting your draft written. Don't talk, write. We will come by and check on you. 
  • Group 2: You need to make progress on getting your draft written. Don't talk, write. We will come by and check on you. 
  • Group 3: Read through THIS DOC and see what advice applies to YOUR memoir. Edit your memoir based on at least one piece of advice or example from that doc. Share your document with a peer at your table and read each other's work. Add comments about the questions you have. 
  • Group 4: Read through your memoir. Look for places where you need to add more dialog or description. You probably have much more story to tell about this event. Be sure people will know what this event meant to you. 
  • Group 5: Read through THIS DOC and see what advice applies to YOUR memoir. Edit your memoir based on at least one piece of advice or example from that doc. Share your document with a peer at your table and read each other's work. Add comments about the questions you have. 
  • Group 6: Read through your memoir. Look for places where you need to add more dialog or description. You probably have much more story to tell about this event. Be sure people will know what this event meant to you.

Read, always read. (You need two books read by 10/14.)
Finish your memoir draft, get the whole story into your document. Draft grades on Friday 10/2. (If you need extra time on a computer ask for an advisory pass, come at lunch, or come after school.)
Looking ahead, final draft of memoirs due 10/8. (Lots of revision time between now and then.)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dialog Challenges

Goal: Adding dialog, and formatting it like a boss.

Dialog challenge #1
Dialog challenge #2

Dialog challenge #1

  1. Copy and paste the text below into your English Journal. 
  2. With your partner discuss how you would correctly format this dialog. You probably need to add some paragraph breaks and punctuation. 
Well, why were you down at the swimming pool anyway? my mom asked as she pulled the dripping carton of eggs out of the shopping bag. I told you I need to get in shape before the swim team tryouts. Damn half these eggs are broken. But sweetie, you know that kids under 13 aren’t allowed at the pool without an adult. Why didn’t you ask your father or I to go with you. Because you guys are busy and if I wait for you to take me it will get later and the pool will get more crowded with adults who want to swim laps and I just don't like sharing a lane with some hairy dude in a speedo. Honey, the lifeguards know you are under 13 and they will be watching for you. They just aren’t going to let you swim there. I’m sorry, but we need a better solution.
Dialog Challenge #2
  1. Add dialog to your memoir. 
  2. You don't need to remember the actual words anyone said. You can write what you think they said or what you think they probably said.  
  3. Also try to avoid using the word SAID over and over. Here are 200 words you can use instead of said. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

First Draft Memoir

Goal: Writing the first draft of your memoir.

How to access your writing prompt
Writing time

Writing prompt:

  1. A Google Doc for you to write your memoir has already been shared with you!
  2. Go to, (login), and look in the "shared with me" section. 
  3. Open the Doc called (period, name, first draft memoir.) Add it to your drive. 
  4. DO NOT make a copy of the document. (If it already has your name on it you don't need to make a copy.) 

Writing time: 

  • You may listen to music, but not streaming music. Pandora and others slow down the network for everyone else. (Also if you aren't getting writing done then your music privilege goes away fast.)
  • You may not talk. Writing requires concentration. Please respect your classmates need for a quiet writing space
  • Write a complete draft, beginning, middle, and end. If you finish early go back through your writing and continue adding details, dialog, and descriptions. 
  • You may write about something you already started writing about in your English journal, but write it fresh. Don't copy paste from your EJ. First see how you write the story today. Later you can look back at your EJ to see what you might still want to add. 
  • Finish your draft. It does not need to be perfect (yet). It does need to be the whole story. 
  • Read: You should have completed your first book by now. You need to finish your second book by 10/14/15. (That's sooner than you think.)
  • Open House is Thursday, October 8th. Tell your parents. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Reading Progress and Article of the Week

Goal: Read and summarize the article of the week.

Reading Progress
Article of the Week

Reading Progress:
Fill out THIS FORM to update me about your reading progress.

Article of the week:
Please use your Google account to loing to
Click on "Binder" and scroll down to "Your Work."
Read "Doctors recognizing that reading, writing can be therapeutic"
In your English Journal, write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the article you just read. (This is homework if you need more time.)

READ: You should be finishing your first book this week. You need to have two books read by 10/14/15.
Check your Six Word Memoir. Is it read to be printed? Make sure it fills the page, looks good, and has your name at the bottom.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More Ideas for Memoir Writing

Goal: Generating more ideas for memoir writing.

4 Quadrants
More Writing

Four Quadrants: 
Just like yesterday you are going to add a new table to your English Journal.
Put today's date at the TOP of the page.
Add a 2x2 table under it. (Just like yesterday.)
Make your table look like the one below.
Add 2-3 memories that relate to each of your senses in each box.
  • Write for ten minutes about one of the memories you listed in your chart. Include details about who, where, when, why. Describe the details of the sense you are writing about. 
  • Not: It smelled good, BUT My grandmother's kitchen smelled like melted caramel and roasting chilies, but under those was the fruity hand lotion she kept on the counter and reached for every time she finished washing dishes. 
  • Make this memory real for your readers. The smallest details often say the most. 
  • Tell the story, use what you remember, guess about the details you can't quite recall. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ideas for Memoir Writing

And that's when I became the middle child. 
Goal: Generating ideas for memoir writing.

4 Quadrants
More Writing

Four Quadrants: (That's redundant isn't it?)

  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Add today's date at the TOP. (not under your other work.)
  3. Go to Table/Insert Table and choose 2x2. Two squares high and two squares wide. 
  4. Add numbers and make your table look like the one pictured below. 
  5. In EACH box write 3-4 events, big or small, that happened in your life during those years. 
Write for ten minutes about one of the events you listed in your chart. Include details about who, where, when, why. Include information about emotions, (yours and others), events, and your reflection. Do you still feel the same way about this event now as you did then? What did this event teach you about life. Tell the story, use what you remember, guess about the details you can't quite recall. 
My teacher wants me to write for ten minutes? Seriously? 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Close reading and group discussion

Goal: Close read and discussion of the memoir we read yesterday.

Group discussion
Group presentations

Get a copy of the text we are using today HERE.

Group Discussion:

  • With your group have a discussion about the two questions from the text assigned to your group. 
  • Be prepared to explain that answer to the class. 
  • You must include evidence from the text in your explanation. Be able to point to the sentence or two that proves your answer is most correct. 

Find your group # and the questions you are responsible for discussing. 
Group 1: 2 and 6
Group 2: 6 and 1
Group 3: 5 and 3
Group 4: 7 and 1
Group 5: 3 and 8
Group 6: 1 and 2

Monday, September 21, 2015

Reading a memoir excerpt

Goal: Reading a new memoir.

Read a new memoir
Quick write

Reading a new memoir:
Today you will read an excerpt of a longer memoir.
You will answer some questions as you read.
If you need the class code it is on the chart on the whiteboard.
Click HERE to go to your reading.

Quick write: 
How does this memoir fit with the things you said a memoir must have and may have?

Make up Work:
Some of you still need to catch up on some things. Have you...

Friday, September 18, 2015

Article of the Week and Catch Up Day

Goal: Catching up, checking in and getting ready.

The lockdown yesterday changes our plans for today just a bit. Please see the section for your period.

Period 3:
Article of the week
Catch up  >> Get it? >>>

Article of the week: 

  • Once a week (usually) we pause for a moment and read a news article about something happening in the world. Sometimes this is related to our other studies, sometimes it is not. Eventually you will have some say and choice about the articles, but for now I will assign them to you. 
  • Go to and login with your Google account. Hint: look for the red button. 
  • Enter our class code (See chart on the back wall)
  • Read the article assigned to our class. 
  • After reading open your English Journal (Google Doc) and write a paragraph about the article you read. You can write a summary or your own thoughts about the topic. 
  • Remember to put your new work at the TOP of the document. 
Catch Up: 
By now you should have done ALL of these things. If you are missing one of these you need to catch up. Our classroom is open at lunch if you need to come use a computer. 

Period 6:
I didn't see you yesterday because of the lockdown after lunch, so we will be catching up from yesterday. 
Memoir Share Out
Memoir Definition

Memoir Share Out
Tell your group about the memoir you read on Wednesday. Hint: It helps to open the document with the reading. 
Tell them, the title and author of the memoir, what happened in the narrative, what the author learned, and what you liked best about it.

With your group make a list of things a memoir must have and may have.
Write your own definition of what a memoir is.

Go to
Login with your Google account.
Send Mrs. R a friend request. Hint: search for her by her gmail address.
Search for the titles of at least five books you have read in the past and give them "star" ratings. Click on the number of stars you think each book deserves.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Discussing Memoirs

Goal: Talking about memoirs.


Today you are sitting with a new group.
Take turns telling the group about the memoir you read yesterday.
Tell them, Title and author of the memoir, what happened in the narrative, what the author learned, and what you liked best about it.

With your group make a list of things a memoir must have and may have.
Write your own definition of what a memoir is.

Go to
Login with your Google account.
Send Mrs. R a friend request. Hint: search for her by her gmail address.
Search for the titles of at least five books you have read in the past and give them "star" ratings. Click on the number of stars you think each book deserves.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Memoir Readings

Goal: Reading a memoir with a small group

Read a memoir
Discuss the memoir with your group

Group Reading: 
Click on the number for your group to get the memoir you will be reading:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6

Discuss these questions with your group and be prepared to explain more about your reading to another group who has not read this memoir.

What does the writer experience in this text?
What is the writer trying to say about this experience?
What techniques does the writer use to make the story real?
How does the writer order the events in the memoir? How does that sequence affect the meaning?
What details in the text create the time and place?
What obstacles did the writer encounter  in this memoir?
What does the writer gain/learn from these challenges?

Quick Write:
Open your English Journal (Google Doc) and write a paragraph about the memoir you read and discussed today. What would you say about that narrative to someone who has not read it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Close reading (eating) a memoir

Goal: Close reading of a memoir and setting up our English Journal.

Set up English Journals
Close reading
Quick write

English Journals:
Today you will create your English Journal
Start a NEW Google Doc.
Name it Period, Last Name, First Name, English Journal (3, Smith, Janelle English Journal)
Share it with Mrs. Roberts.
Put new entries at the top.
Give each entry a date and title.

Close Reading:
Lets look more carefully at a few parts of the memoir you read yesterday.
Get your own copy using the short link on the board in the classroom.
We are going to look at structure, language, imagery, and reflection.

Quick write: 
Choose a favorite line from the memoir. Make is something interesting, funny, or important.
Copy and paste that line into your English Journal.
Write about why you chose that line, what it reminds you of, or how it might relate to one of your experiences.

Monday, September 14, 2015

First Read of a Memoir

Goal: Reading a memoir

First read of a memoir


  • Today we are going to read a memoir. 
  • You will be reading on your own and answering some questions to help you as you go. 
  • You need to stop and answer the questions as you read. 
  • Do not try to read the whole thing and then go back for the questions.
  • Get today's reading Hint: Use the red button and login with your Google account.

Keep reading your independent reading book.
Be sure you have completed the student data form and returned your netbook contract.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Six Word Memoirs

Goal: Six word memoirs.

Six Word Memoirs

Resources for Six Word Memoirs:
  1. Write your six word memoir on a piece of scratch paper. Be original. Make it about you. 
  2. Show it to an adult and a peer. 
  3. Make sure it has exactly SIX words. 
  4. Check your spelling!
  5. Go to and login. 
  6. Start a NEW Google Doc. 
  7. Name it like this, period, last name, first name, six word memoir.  (3 Black, Lisa, Six Word Memoir)
  8. SHARE it with Mrs. Roberts. 

  • Make your memoir FILL the page. Make it as large as possible without going to a second page. 
  • Put your name on it. 
  • Play with fonts, italics, bold. Make it look cool. 


  • Read your book. This is your first weekend to get some reading done before you start to have a lot of other homework. Get ahead.
  • Cover your books. The video we watched about how to do that is here.
  • Keep your English textbook at home or in your locker. You won't need it in the classroom.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Reading, Netbooks, Textbooks, New People,

Goal: Textbook check out, netbook testing, reading, and greeting new students.

READ: get out your book or borrow a new one. Read while your computer boots up.

Textbook check out: 
We will all go to the library to check out our textbooks.
Bring your ID, and your schedule.
Pick up book covers

Back in the classroom:
Write your name in ALL of your books
Check books for any damage. Report damage to Ms. Cooper in the Library asap or you could get charged for damage to your books.)
Cover your books.
Keep your English book at home.
Carry a plastic bag to bag your books if it rains. (Water can damage books.)

New People!
Please see the section on the right for "new students start here." There are some things there for you to catch up with.
Also be sure you have a book to read in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 2: Reading, Netbooks, and Six Word Memoirs


Get out your independent reading books. If you do not have one, take this time to find one already on your table or from the shelves. If you borrow a book, be sure to check it out using the "Borrow a Book" button on this blog.

I told you yesterday that we would be using our computers in this class almost every day. That starts now. This means we have a few goals for today:
  1. Get a netbook: You will be assigned a netbook by number and that number will be yours.
  2. Sign in: The adults in the room will help you do this if you do not know what it is and/or how to do it.
  3. Access this blog: The website is posted in the room and on the stickers you just got.
  4. Fill out the Student Data Form, if you have not done so already.
  5. Sign into your Gmail account to make sure you can. Visit Google Drive if you've never done so. Take the time to explore the site and see what you can do if you have not done so already.
Once everyone has successfully achieved these goals, our first project of the year will be to write a Six Word Memoir. We will talk about this, but here are some helpful videos and websites to help you in this process:

Oh and don't forget:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to PLHS, And English, And High School, And Room 864!

Hello and welcome to Point Loma! 

We're going to have a fantastic year of learning together, and that means we have a lot to do today. The first thing to know is that this blog will be where we start each day, and it will link you to everything else you will need for our class. We're very excited to get to know all of you, so let's get started!

A few reminders for Wednesday (that's tomorrow):