Friday, November 30, 2018

Poetry and Pre-Unit Assessment

1. Start/finish "I Am" poem
2. Take a formative assessment for our next unit

Formative Assessment
"I Am" Poems
Catch Up Time!

1. Formative Assessment: 
Before we begin our next unit, we'd like to know more about your non-fiction reading skills. You did a great job with a very challenging text this week!
Click HERE to take the assessment.

2. "I Am" Poems
Remember the poem template you saw yesterday in Google Classroom?
Open that template and begin your poem.
We are wrapping up our discussion about identity, and this is your chance to think about who you are and what you want from the world.
(If you want to get creative, feel free to add an image. This is a chance you have to express yourself!)
Click to view larger image. 
Catch Up Time! 
Let's Check Ourselves: 
  • Are you done with Book #4? 
  • Are you missing anything in Power School? 
  • Did you finish the two questions in the gray boxes from the article we read this week?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Finish Our Text and Write

Goal: Finish reading "The Complexity of Identity" and create our own "I Am..." poems


  • Read
  • Finish "The Complexity of Identity" 
  • Start our "I Am" Poems

1. Finish reading "The Complexity of Identity"
Open your copy of the text we've been reading over the past two days. It is the document with boxes for note-taking, and you should be able to find it in your Google Drive. 

2. I Am Poem:
  • You have a new assignment in Google Classroom called "I Am Poem." 
  • Go to Google Classroom and find the new assignment in the classwork section.
  • We will show you an example "I Am" poem so you will have an idea, but you can be creative with yours. 
  • You get to begin working on this today in class, but we will also have some time to finish tomorrow. This project is due by the end of the period tomorrow (Friday, 11/30). 
  • You should be done with Book #4 and starting Book #5. We will write about Book #4 next week.
  • If you have outstanding assignments, be sure to request a regrade. The end of the grading period is this Friday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Continuing Our New Text

Goal: Finish reading "The Complexity of Identity" and begin to ask questions


Reading Progress Update
Continue reading our text


2. Open your copy of Beverly Daniel Tatum's "The Complexity of Identity." 
This should be in your Google Drive. It is the document we began reading yesterday, with the boxes available for note-taking and asking questions. 

  • You should be finishing Book #4 and beginning Book #5. 
  • The grading period is almost over. Be sure you have requested a regrade on any assignments you might have improved.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Revisiting our Gallery + Introduce a New Text

Goal: Introduce a new text based on the work we did with identity


  • Read
  • Self scoring your English Journal
  • Revisiting our Gallery
  • Continuing the conversation on identity
  • Introducing a new text

English Journal Self Score

  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Review the English Journal Scoring Guide
  3. Determine how you would score your English Journal. 
  4. PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete. 
November 27, 2018 Self Score:        
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.) 
Revisiting Our Gallery
We are going to tour the photo gallery from yesterday, this time looking through the images together. Before we get started, remember some of the images might be sensitive. It's important to consider this before you speak:

  1. Is what I'm going to say kind?
  2. Is what I'm going to say helpful? 
  3. Is what I'm going to say respectful?

Introducing a New Text 
  • Click HERE to get your own copy of the text we're about to read.
  • Share your copy with Ms. Daniel (copy and paste:
  • Annotate! Highlight! Ask questions! Take notes! 
  • We self-scored English Journals today. Make sure your score is visible as the most recent entry on top. 
  • Do you need to request a regrade on anything? The end of the grading period is near. 
  • Finish Book #4 and pick out your Book #5. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Welcome Back: Introduction to Identity

Goal: Begin to construct an understanding of identity

Gallery Walk
Identity Map

Map Yourself: 

  • There is one sheet of paper at each of your desks. 
  • In the center of the paper, write your name. 
  • In the outer circles, you will write or illustrate different pieces of yourself. You can use this template to help, but feel free to be creative.

Gallery Walk
You may have noticed some photos hanging on the walls around the room. It's up to YOU to make meaning out of these photos. There are no right or wrong answers, but you might find the sentence starters below helpful.


  • Reflect on each image and write your response on a post-it note. Use the sentence starters (right) to help. 
  • This is a quiet activity. Act as though you would in a museum - silence, with the exception of low whispers if you must ask questions.
  • Please put your initials on each sticky note you write. 

Let's Check Ourselves: 
  • Is your English Journal complete? 
  • Are you missing anything in Power School? 
  • Are you done or almost done with Book #4? 
  • Did you finish your review of Book #3 (group novel) from before break? 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving Break

By popular request, I'm posting a list of things you can catch up on or check on during break. This six week grading period ends 11/30, so now is a good time to get caught up.

1. READ - Reading is the best thing you can do for yourself. You should be aiming to finish book #4 by 11/28 and break is a great time to read.

2. BOOK REVIEW - Finish your review of book #3 (your group novel) if you didn't already finish it in class. Hint, this should be on the "book review" doc that I shared with you on Thursday.

3. Check your ENGLISH JOURNAL - Your English journal has most of the small classwork we did for this grading period. Make sure you have all the assignments complete. Sometimes you start things in class and forget to finish. Sometimes you are absent. We will grade English Journals after break.

NOTE: If you need more explanation for something listed on the chart, you should find the blog post for that date on this blog. It will probably tell you what you need to do. (Click the image to see it larger.)

Request a Regrade: 
If you never revised your memoir or your visual memoir you can still work on either or both of those and then request a regrade on the tab above.

Most of you just need to read, relax and enjoy your break time with family and friends. If you really must worry about your English grade, try not to do that for more than a few hours. You need the time off. I need the time off too, so if you email me a question I probably won't get back to you until school starts again. Don't panic.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Book Review Time!

Goal: Finish your book review for your group novel. 

Interest Survey 
Finish your book reviews

Quick Survey Time! 
We're super interested in what topics you might want to discuss in English, and we'd love to to know your opinions on a few short questions.

Click HERE to access the survey. 

Book Review Time: 
  • Yesterday, you started your book review in the Google Doc we shared with you. 
  • Finish your book review. (Yes, all four paragraphs.)
  • Your review of Book #3 (your group novel) is due by the end of day TODAY.
  • If you still have not finished your book review, finish it for homework ASAP.
  • Be sure your English Journal is up to date - we are grading them when we get back to school.
  • Have a safe and happy break! We'll see you back at school on Monday, November 26th. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Book Review Structure

Goal: Learn how to structure a book review.


Reading Progress Update
Book Review Structure
Starting a book review


2. Learn about the structure of a book review. 
  • This is a copy of a book review written by one of my former students. 
  • Enrique uses a solid structure for his review.
  • Read his review carefully and analyze what he is DOING in each paragraph. 
  • Click HERE to get a copy and get started.

3. Start your own book review.

I shared a new document with you in Google Drive called Book Reviews 18-19.

You will use this doc to write your review today and to write another one when we get back from Thanksgiving break about your fourth book. 


  • Have a great book to read during Thanksgiving break. You should be finishing Book #4 (or more!)
  • Bring your group novel to finish your book review tomorrow. Remember, you need text evidence! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Unit Test

Goal: Taking a unit test about the things we learned while reading novels.

Test time!
Read while others finish

New font option: 
If you liked the font I showed you you can add it to your chrome browser by clicking HERE.

Unit Test: 
  • This TEST is designed to assess your ability to apply the concepts from this unit.
  • It has an entry code. You will have to be in class to take the test. 
  • Answer every question the best you can. 
  • If you would like a paper copy of the story on the test ask me for one. 
  • If you are absent you will have a 0 until you make up this test. 
  • Make sure you have a very good book. Don't like your book? Ask for help finding a better one. 
  • Be sure to CHECK OUT every book you take home. Yes, you can borrow more than one at a time. 
  • Don't return your group novel yet. We'll need it tomorrow.
  • Catch up on your English Journal.
  • Be sure you have a good book to read for Book #4 (or #5)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Review and Catch Up

Goal: Review and catch up.

  • You are reading book #4 (or more).
  • You have a good book that you want to read ready for Thanksgiving break.
  • You have checked out these books if you borrowed them from our classroom.

Before we do anything else:
Remember the group presentations from last Friday? We really enjoyed them.
What we need is feedback from YOU about how you think you and your group mates worked together. Did everyone in the group pull their weight?

Please give us HONEST FEEDBACK here. We will keep your comments about each other confidential and use them when determining individual grades.

Concepts to Review:
During our Reading the Novel unit we covered a lot of concepts. Today we will review those concepts and Wednesday you will show that you can apply them.

The test Wednesday will ask you to read a short story and then answer questions about:
  • Characterization
  • Internal and external conflict
  • Setting and imagery
  • Sensory details
  • Diction (word choice)
  • Connotation and Denotation
  • Plot
  • Theme

Let's Review:
  1. Go to and I'll give you the code to join our practice session.
  2. If you want to play again at home click the link above and use this code: 966117

Catch Up:
  1. Check your English Journal. Are all of your assignments complete?
  2. Do you have a good book ready for Thanksgiving break?
  3. Don't check in your group novel yet. We will need it through the end of this week.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Culminating Presentations: Presentation Day!

Goal: Present your group's culminating project!

Presentation time!

Confirm with your group that everything is ready to go.

We will call each group to present at random by drawing table color names from a basket. Be ready to go please!

If you want to refresh your memory, you can see the rubric HERE.

After presentations, go to THIS FORM to give your table mates a grade. You are scoring them based on their contributions to the group project.

Please be respectful of your classmates and remind yourselves of expectations. We should all be respectful, kind, and helpful.

You're going to do GREAT!


  • This coming Monday is Veterans Day, observed by PLHS. We will see you back in class on Tuesday, November 13th. 
  • Keep reading. Get a great book for Book #4 (or more) for this grading period! 
  • Unit Test is NEXT WEEK! 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Culminating Presentations Day 2: Group Work Day

Goal: Finish putting together your group's culminating project and be ready to present tomorrow!

Work on your group presentations

Today is ALL YOURS!
  • This is the only remaining day to work on your project as a group. Presentations are tomorrow.
Just to clarify:
  • The questions in the notes section are GUIDING questions. The only element you need written in your notes sections are the TWO quotes.
  • Recommendation slide only needs one quote. Choose a line you really like from the book.
  • Write your quotes on a notecard so you're prepared for tomorrow.

  • Ms. Daniel's sample presentation HERE if you need a reminder!
  • Rubric is HERE if you need a reminder of expectations.
You have all day today to work on your project. Use your time wisely!

  • You should still be reading a book even though your group novel is complete. You should be on Book #4 (or more) for this grading period. 
  • Unit test is NEXT WEEK. 
  • Tomorrow is presentation day! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Culminating Presentations Day 1: Teach the Teacher!

Goal: Use your understanding of helpful and unhelpful presentation strategies to begin working on your culminating group novel presentations!

Critique your teacher's
Assign presentation roles
in your novel groups
Begin working!

Critiquing a Presentation
  • Ms. Daniel (or Ms.Roberts) will give a presentation on "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" which we read as a class last week.
  • Use THIS DOCUMENT (make a copy for yourself) to take notes on positive parts of the presentation and parts that need improvement.
  • After the presentation, go HERE to post your helpful feedback.

Your Turn!
  • The culminating project for our "Reading the Novel" unit is a group presentation.
  • You will work together to cover these categories in your group novel. Each person should become the "expert" on one (or more) of the categories below:
    • Setting
    • Characterization
    • Plot
    • Diction
    • Theme
    • Your recommendation

  • There is a template HERE to get you started, but you are encouraged to be as creative as possible.
  • Check THIS RUBRIC before you begin - use images to represent what you are trying to convey. The less text on the slide, the better.
  • If you need to look at the example presentation again, use Ms. Daniel's presentation here to help guide you.
  • Everyone in your group must have a speaking role, because you will be assessed individually and as a group. Each person should become an expert on one of the categories above.

Ready? Get set?
  • Assign roles to everyone in your group. 
  • Make a copy of your template and share it with everyone in your group.
  • Name it Period, Novel Title, Your First Names. 
  • Also share it with Ms. Daniel, Ms. Roberts and Ms. Love (periods 1-2) 
  • Go! 

Check your English Journal for any work you need to finish.
Check the blog when you are absent.
Be ready to come tomorrow and finish up your group project!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Visiting the Counselors

Goal: Visit the counseling office.

Visit the counselors
Read while you wait
  • Today we will be in the counseling office. They want to be sure they meet each of you.
  • Bring your book so you can read while you wait your turn.
Back in class?
If you make it back to class before the end of the period you should:
  • Finish the district survey you started yesterday. You can find the link HERE. Enter your ID to pick up where you left off. 
  • Check your English Journal. Is there work you need to finish? 
  • Keep reading your book #4. 
Read daily at home in your book. You should finish book #4 by 11/28.

Monday, November 5, 2018

End of Novel Test

Goal: Reading progress update and novel quiz.

Reading Progress Update
End of Novel "Quiz"

1. Reading Progress Update: 

2. Novel Quiz: 
  • Complete the questions using everything you know about the book. 
  • The test includes short answer questions. Remember your expectations for short answer questions. 
  • The test has an "entry code." You have to be in class to take the test. 
  • Click HERE to access your novel test. 
  • (If you are absent see me asap to make up the test.)
3. Academic Survey from The District
  • Our district wants to know what you think about several things. 
  • Please complete THIS SURVEY

4. Book #4: 
  • Your group novel "counts" as book #3 for this semester. 
  • You need to identify book #4. Do you already have it? 

  • On Tuesday we are visiting the counseling office. 
  • You need to bring a book with you so you can read while you wait to see your counselor. 
  • If you have any questions you've been meaning to ask your counselor you should write them down. 
  • You might get to return to class and do catch-up work. 


  • Be sure your English Journal is up to date. We've done a lot of work in your English Journal lately and you don't want to find out later that you are missing things. 
  • Be ready for our UNIT TEST next week.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Writing about conflicts

Remember internal and external conflicts? 
Goal: Solidify our understanding of conflict.

Conflict in your group novels
Writing about conflict

Identifying conflict in your group novels: 
  1. Using two sticky notes write down one internal and one external conflict the protagonist of your group novel faces. (Add your initials to your sticky notes.)
  2. As a group share the conflicts you found. 
  3. Group them by internal and external conflicts. 
  4. TALK: How did those conflicts change the character of your group novel? 

Writing about conflict: 
Open your English Journal
Use the paragraph frame below to write about the conflicts the character faces in your group novel.
In (book title) by (author) the main character, (protagonist), faces internal and external conflicts that cause him/her to...(describe the ways the protagonist changes.) An example of the internal conflict the character faces is (describe internal conflict). This causes (character) to....(describe effect of this internal conflict)... (Character) is also facing an external conflict (from/because/as a result of...describe external conflict.) The impact of this external conflict is that..... As a result of these conflicts... (describe how the character changes as a result of experiencing these conflicts)...
  • You should be done with your group novel by now. We will be writing about it more next week. 
  • You also have a quiz on Monday about your group novel.  (Be SURE your are FINISHED by then.)
  • You have another test about the concepts from this unit on 11/14. We will review for that next week. If you want to start studying try reviewing your English Journal entries since 10/10. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Plot and Conflict Vocabulary.

Goal: Mastering the vocabulary of Plot and Conflict

Read (Finish group novel by tomorrow.)
Plot Vocabulary
Writing Revision
Conflict Vocabulary

Plot Vocabulary: 
I think many of you already know these words, but lets make sure.

Writing Revision:
  • Yesterday you wrote a six sentence summary of the plot of your group novel. 
  • Open your English Journal. 
  • Revise your summary from yesterday so that it includes the plot vocabulary we just reviewed. 
  • Here is an example one of you wrote. 

Conflict Vocabulary: 
There are lots of different kinds of conflicts characters can have. 
You don't have to memorize them all. 
You do need to know the difference between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL conflicts.