Thursday, November 30, 2017

SOAPSTone for Undercover Parent

Goal: Our first Soapstone, learning a piece of rhetorical analysis.

Be sure your book is checked out to you.
SOAPSTONE with a partner

S - Subject / topic / issue of the text
O - Occasion - what is the context of the text? Consider time period, relevant events, and issues current to the text.
A - Audience who is this written for? How do you know?
P - Purpose - why did the author write this? What is his/her goal?
S - Speaker - who is Coben? How do you know? What else can you find out?
T- Tone - sarcastic, humble, bitter, convinced, unsure, reasonable, angry, immature, educated?

Open the Undercover Parent article I shared with you on Tuesday.
With your partner complete the SOAPSTone FORM.  (If you are absent you'll have to work on it on your own.)

  • If you donate a can of food for the food drive you get an extra day to work on your book review before I grade it. 
  • Grading period ends Friday. I'll be grading all weekend, poor me. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Review of Book #4

Goal: Complete your review of your independent reading book, for book #4.

Review of Book #4

Review of Book #4:

  1. Open the "Book Review 17-18" doc shared with you in Google Drive. (This is the same doc you used to write your review of book #3.)
  2. Put your cursor ABOVE your review of book #3 and add a new entry for Review of Book #4
  3. Write your review. Finish for homework tonight. 
  4. Tips: When you write about how the book ended be sure to include what you thought about the way it ended. 
  5. Make sure this is in your book review doc and NOT in your English Journal. 


  • Food Drive. We have a box for JROTC where you can drop off non-perishable, canned food. 
  • If you know of a PLHS family who needs additional food for the winter break let me know. 
  • This grading period ends on Friday. All regrade requests are due by 2:30PM Friday. (Some of you may want to work on your memoir or your visual memoir.)
  • Group novels are due back to the library. If you still have yours return it asap. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

First read of Undercover Parent

Goals: First reading of Undercover Parent article using the "Say Something" protocol.

Learn about the "Say Something" protocol.
First read of Undercover Parent

First Read of Undercover Parent: 
  • This text is shared with you in Google Drive. 
  • You will read it with a partner and use the say something protocol to check your thinking and understanding with each other as you go. 
English Journal:
Write a response about "Undercover Parent" using the same TWO paragraph structure you use for an article of the week. 

  • Food Drive. We have a box for JROTC where you can drop off non-perishable, canned food. 
  • Book reviews are happening in class on WEDNESDAY. You can pre-write them if you want to. 
  • This grading period ends on Friday. All regrade requests are due by 2:30PM Friday. (Some of you may want to work on your memoir or your visual memoir.)

Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome Back: Lets Get Started

Goal: Exploring our initial thoughts and opinions related to teens and the internet.

Quick Survey
Four Corners Discussion

Quick Survey: 
  • To prepare for our next unit I would like you to think briefly about your opinions related to these topics. Please be as honest and accurate as possible. 
  • Take the SURVEY
Four Corners Discussion:
Move to the corner of the room that best represents your thoughts about the statement

  • Book reviews are happening in class on WEDNESDAY. You can pre-write them if you want to. 
  • This grading period ends on Friday. All regrade requests are due by 2:30 Friday. (Some of you may want to work on your memoir, or your visual memoir. If you are waiting on a regrade we will get to it.)
  • Keep reading. You need to read book #5 and book #6 before the end of January. 
  • Add books you read to your list in your planner.
  • Remember to check out your books and return books you have finished. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Finishing, progressing, assessing

This one's for you Amy. 
Goals: Update your progress, evaluate your skills, give and get feedback.

Reading Progress Update
Formative Assessment
Finish AOW from yesterday


2. Complete this FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT for our next unit. 

3. Finish your AOW paragraphs from yesterday. 

4. Something fun (I think):

  1. Go to and read the announcement about peergrade. 
  2. Join peergrade and paste your AOW paragraphs from yesterday into the assignment. 
  3. Review the work of three classmates and see the feedback your classmates gave you. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Fabulous Summary Skills

Goal: Mastering the art of summary.

Self Score English Journal
Summary Example
Read and Write

1. Self Score your English Journal (5 minutes)
  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Review the English Journal Scoring Guide
  3. Determine how you would score your English Journal. 
  4. PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete. 
November 16, 2017 Self Score:        
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.) 
2. Summary Example:
  • We noticed in your previous AOW assignments that most of you could use some help writing better summaries. 
  • Review the example below and see how it fits with the summary frame pictured below. 

3.  Read a new AOW and write about it: 
  1. Read THIS ARTICLE assigned to you in Newsela. (sign in with Google.) 
  2. Time yourself. It should take you 3-7 minutes to read this article. (I timed myself reading it carefully and it took me two minutes and three seconds.)
  3. Open your EJ and use the summary frame in this picture to write a paragraph about what you just read. 
  4. Write a second paragraph about what you think about the article. Would you want to try something like this with your family members? 
Something new, Lets try this:
Enter the code I give you. 
Paste in your summary. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Unit Test

Goal: Taking a unit test about the things we learned while reading novels.

Take the test
Finish your review of your group novel.
Read while others finish

Unit Test: 
  • This TEST is designed to assess your ability to apply the concepts from this unit.
  • It has an entry code. You will definitely have to be in class to take the test. 
  • Answer every question the best you can. 
  • If you would like a paper copy of the story on the test ask me for one. 
  • If you are absent you will have a 0 until you make up this test. 
Finish your book review:

  • Your review of your group novel should be done by now. 
  • It's the one on that yellow Google Doc I sent you. 
  • You had almost the whole period yesterday to work on it. 
  • Make sure you have a very good book. Don't like your book? Ask for help finding a better one. 
  • Be sure to CHECK OUT every book you take home. Yes, you can borrow more than one at a time. 
  • Finish your review of your group novel. I begin grading those tonight.
  • Finish the work in your English Journal. We grade those tomorrow. 
  • Be sure you have a good book to read for Book #4 (or #5)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Catch up day

Goals: Catch up on any missing work and make sure you are ready for the test on Wednesday.

Catch Up

Things to be SURE you are done with:

  1. Review of Book #3: You started this in your Book Review Doc on Wednesday last week. Tip: look at the blog post below from Wednesday if you need help on this review. It is due today. 
  2. English Journal: Have you completed all of your entries in your EJ? The chart picture lists all the work you should have there for this unit. Making sure this work is complete will help you prepare for the test tomorrow. 
Prepare for your test: 
The test Wednesday will ask you to read a short story (less than 2 pages) and then answer questions about:
  • Characterization
  • Internal and external conflict
  • Setting and imagery
  • Sensory Details 
  • Diction (word choice)
  • Connotation and Denotation
  • Plot
  • Theme
Example question types: 
What does the setting tell you about the character? 
Which word from the story has the most positive connotation?
Which of the following is part of the exposition of the story? 
Which of these is an internal conflict for the character? 
There are 10-20 questions on the test. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Review and Catch Up

You checked out your book right? 
Goal: Review and catch up.


  • You are reading book #4 (or more).
  • You have a good book that you want to read ready for Thanksgiving break.
  • You have checked out these books if you borrowed them from our classroom. 

Concepts to Review: 
During our Reading the Novel unit we covered a lot of concepts. Today we will review those concepts and Wednesday you will show that you can apply them.

The test Wednesday will ask you to read a short story and then answer questions about:
  • Characterization
  • Internal and external conflict
  • Setting and imagery
  • Sensory Details 
  • Diction (word choice)
  • Connotation and Denotation
  • Plot
  • WEDNESDAY. The test is WEDNESDAY. 
  • Theme
Let's Review: 

  1. Go to and I'll give you the code to join our practice session.
  2. If you want to play again at home click the link above and use code (460074)

Catch Up: 

  1. Is your book review of the group novel finished? 
  2. It should be done or almost done. 
  3. Check your English Journal. Are ALL of your assignments complete? 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

End of Novel Test and Book Review Time

Goal: Novel test and finish your book review.

1. Novel Test: 
  • Click HERE to access your novel test. 
  • Complete the test using everything you know about the book. 
  • The test includes short answer questions. Remember your expectations for short answer questions. 
  • The test has an "entry code." You have to be in class to take the test. 
  • (If you are absent see me asap to make up the test.)
2. Book Review
  • Yesterday, you started your book review in the Google Doc I shared with you. 
  • Finish your book review. (Yes, all four paragraphs.)
  • Your review of Book #3 (your group novel) is due Tuesday.
Finish your review of book #3 (your group novel.)
Be sure your English Journal is up to date. 
Be ready for our UNIT TEST next week.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Book Review Structure

Goal: Learn how to structure a book review.

Reading Progress Update
Book Review Structure
Starting a book review


2. Learn about the structure of a book review. 

  • This is a copy of a book review written by one of my former students. 
  • Enrique uses a solid structure for his review.
  • Read his review carefully and analyze what he is DOING in each paragraph. 
  • Click HERE to get a copy and get started. 
3. Start your own book review. 
I shared a new document with you in Google Drive called Book Reviews 17-18.
You will use this doc to write your review today and to write another one on 11/29 about the other book you read for this grading period. 

TEST on your group novel TOMORROW. Be sure you have finished reading the book. 
Unit test next Wednesday 11/15. (Study by reviewing material in your English Journal and on the blog since 10/12.)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Writing about conflict

Remember internal and external conflicts? 
Goal: Solidify our understanding of conflict.

Conflict in your group novels
Writing about conflict

Identifying conflict in your group novels: 

  1. Using two sticky notes write down one internal and one external conflict the protagonist of your group novel faces. (Add your initials to your sticky notes.)
  2. As a group share the conflicts you found. 
  3. Group them by internal and external conflicts. 
  4. TALK: How did those conflicts change the character of your group novel? 

Writing about conflict: 
Open your English Journal
Use the paragraph frame below to write about the conflicts the character faces in your group novel.
In (book title) by (author) the main character, (protagonist), faces internal and external conflicts that cause him/her to...(describe the ways the protagonist changes.) An example of the internal conflict the character faces is (describe internal conflict). This causes (character) to....(describe effect of this internal conflict)... (Character) is also facing an external conflict (from/because/as a result of...describe external conflict.) The impact of this external conflict is that..... As a result of these conflicts... (describe how the character changes as a result of experiencing these conflicts)...

  • You should be done with your group novel by now. We will be writing about it tomorrow. 
  • You also have a test this Thursday about your group novel.  
  • You have another test later next week about the concepts from this unit. We will review for that next week. If you want to start studying try reviewing your English Journal entries since 10/12. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Plot and Conflict Vocabulary.

Goal: Mastering the vocabulary of Plot and Conflict

Read (Finish group novel by tomorrow.)
Update Novel Reading Chart
Plot Vocabulary
Writing Revision
Conflict Vocabulary

Plot Vocabulary: 
I think many of you already know these words, but lets make sure.

Writing Revision:

  • On Friday you wrote a six sentence summary of the plot of your group novel. 
  • Open your English Journal. 
  • Revise your summary from Friday so that it includes the plot vocabulary we just reviewed. 
  • Here is an example one of you wrote. 

Conflict Vocabulary: 
There are lots of different kinds of conflicts characters can have. 
You don't have to memorize them all. 
You do need to know the difference between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL conflicts. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Writing About Plot

Goal: Writing about plot.

Update Novel Reading Chart
Writing about Plot

Six Sentence Plot:  

  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Write a PLOT summary of your group novel in exactly six sentences. 
  3. Proofread it carefully. (Count to six.) 
  4. You will read your summary to your group. 
  5. As a group you will pick your favorite and submit it HERE

Items to catch up on: 
Check your English journal.
Have you completed your theme, character and diction paragraphs?
If you have, you get to read some more, you lucky duck.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Writing About Diction

Goal: Finding and writing about examples of diction with purpose in our group novels.

Update Novel Reading Chart
Selecting and writing about diction

#1 Choose: (The hard part) 
Find a passage in your group novel that has a lot of description and sensory detail.
Figure out what the author is DOING in that passage. Why is it there? What is the purpose?

#2 Talk: (The easier part) 
Pick out three words that you think the author chose specifically because of the purpose of the paragraph.
Agree on those words with your group. If you disagree talk about why.
Don't pick boring words. These should be words with a connotation that fits the purpose of the passage.

#3 Write: (The easiest part) 
Open your English Journal and use the frame below to write a paragraph about the diction (word choices) the author uses in your chosen passage.

Frame: (Copy into your English Journal)
On page ___, of (book title) the author, (author) uses words such as “_____,” “_____,” and “_____” in order to (author’s purpose for choosing those words). The first word "_____" (shows/implies/demonstrates/give the impression) that ......... Then the author uses "_____" to....... The third word, "______" also supports the author's purpose because.........The use of this diction in this passage allows the author to....(specific impact on that part of the text).

  • This example uses the story we read this week. 
  • You are writing about your GROUP novel. 
  • Note that the words here have been changed slightly from the frame above to make the writing work for this specific example. You can make adjustments too. 
In paragraph 2, of "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings" the author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, uses words such as “pitiful,” “dirty,” and “entangled,” to illustrate how vulnerable the angel is. When he calls him "pitiful" the reader gets the sense that we should feel sorry for the angel. The word "dirty" lets us know that the angel is not clean and maybe in need of care. The third word, "entangled," implies that the angel is trapped and vulnerable. The use of this diction in the passage allows the author to portray the angel as suffering, neglected, and in need of sympathy.

Keep reading your group novel to finish by TUESDAY 11/7.
Finish the work from today for HW if you didn't finish in class
Check your English Journal for any work you need to finish.
Check the blog when you are absent.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Connotation and Denotation

Goals: Understanding connotation and denotation and then applying that knowledge to some excerpts from the story we read yesterday. 

Novel Reading Chart
Connotation and Denotation Lesson
Application with a partner. 

Update Novel Reading Chart: 

Open your chart and add what you read today. Don't forget to explain what it means. Implications matter.

Connotation and Denotation Lesson: 
DICTION refers to the specific word choices that authors make.
Often, authors choose specific words because of their CONNOTATION.
Words can be interpreted three different ways.

1. DENOTATION - This is the literal, dictionary definition of a word.

2. CONNOTATION (emotional charge) - Every word has a positive, neutral, or negative connotation or association. 
  • "Youth" = positive connotation (or association); "Juvenile" = negative connotation; "Adolescent" = neutral connotation.
  • "Request" or "Remind" = positive connotation; "Whine" or "Nag" = negative connotation; "Ask" = neutral connotation.
  • "Assertive" = positive; "Bossy" = negative; "Dominant" = neutral.
3. CONNOTATION (symbolic meaning) - Some words have a secondary figurative or cultural association with them. In this case, the word can take on a whole new meaning.
  • Snake: An evil, devious or immoral person.
  • Chicken: A coward.
  • Pig: A vulgar person or slob.
  • Sweet: Cool, awesome or fun.

With your partner: 
Complete THIS GOOGLE FORM to look more closely at some of the language from the story we read yesterday. (It's okay if you didn't finish reading it. There are paragraphs on the form of the parts you really need.)
Absent? You are still responsible for the work. You can do it on your own. 

Finish reading your group novel by 11/7.