Monday, December 10, 2018

Unscrambling a Précis

Goal: Learn how to create a rhetorical précis.

Reading Progress Update
Learn what a rhetorical précis is.
Play unscramble the précis


2. Rhetorical Précis:
"A Rhetorical Précis, pronounced (pray-see), is a summary or abstract of a work. The Rhetorical Précis has a rigidly specific format.... It is important that you follow the format carefully. This is not an easy task. But it is a crucial step towards building critical reading ability...." (

Unscrambling a Precis: 

  1. Use THIS LINK to get a copy of a doc with a rhetorical précis. (Do not share it.)
  2. The sentences on this doc are out of order. 
  3. Rearrange them until you have a correct précis. 
  4. Note: Our example chart has FOUR sentences, but the précis you will unscramble has FIVE. Decide which two sentences should be combined and re-write them into one sentence. 
  5. Copy and paste your CORRECTED précis into your English Journal. (You will need it as an example for writing one on your own soon.)
  • Be sure your corrected précis is pasted into your English Journal, dated 12/10/18.
  • Keep reading. You should be on Book #5 by now.

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