Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Project Rubric + Work Time

Goal: Review the project rubric and work on Academic Honesty projects

Review Rubric
Project Work Time 

1. Review Rubric 
The rubric for your Academic Honesty project is pictured to the right. Click to enlarge, and we'll talk about the expectations for this project.

2. Project Work Time 
  • We will be giving you a slide deck on Thursday that will help you to plan your presentation for the class (which will take place next Monday and Tuesday). 
  • The rest of this class period is dedicated to project work time. 
  • 90% of you have had your proposals approved. 
  • If you are in a group that has not started working on your project because your proposal has been delayed, let me know. I will work with you directly. 
If you need to view the Point Loma High Academic Honesty Policy, click HERE. 

  • Work on your project if you feel behind and read. 
  • You should be on Book #10, and you should have an idea of the nonfiction article you'll write about in relation to Book #10.

Monday, April 29, 2019

New Book Review + Project Work Time

Goal: Introduce non-fiction assignment and work time for academic honesty projects

Book Review Preview
Project work time

1. Book Review #10 Preview
  1. We will be doing a different kind of Book Review for Book #10.
  2. Open your English Journal and brainstorm a list of major topics/themes covered in your Book 10.
    • My Book Title _________________
    • Where my Book Takes Place _______________
    • Topics and Themes in my Book ____________
                                                    ____________                                                 ____________
  • Select one theme/topic that you feel compelled to research.
  • Search the web for at least 3-4 non-fiction articles relating to that theme/topic.
  • Paste the links to those articles into your English Journal. 
  • You will write about the book AND the article in class in a couple of weeks. 

2. Project Work Time 
  • You completed your project proposal last week. 
  • Each proposal has been approved or denied, and you can tell by checking your proposal document what your next steps are. 
  • The rest of this week will be yours to work on your project. Let me know what you need me to do to support you. 
  • The rubric is today's blog photo - click to enlarge so you can remind yourself of expectations.

You might want to keep looking for an article for your book review if you didn't find one during class today. We will be asking you what your article is later this week.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Project Proposals Due

Goals: Complete project proposals by the end of the period

Project Proposal Work Time
Submit Project Proposals

1. Project Proposal Work Time 
  • Make sure your project proposal is SHARED with your teachers.
  • Over the weekend, your proposals will be reviewed. By Monday, you will have a decision on whether you can move forward with your project or whether you need to reconsider any portion of your proposal.
For your information, here is a copy of the project rubric (click to enlarge). There are a lot of factors in this project, but here are the major ones you should consider: 

You should be on Book #10 right now.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Project Proposal Work Time

Goal: Work on project proposal 

Continue working on project proposal

Project Proposal:

  • Some of you had a chance to start this yesterday, but if you didn't, today is definitely the day you should start.
  • Open your copy of the PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE if you started it yesterday. It should be in your Google Drive. Share it with your teachers if you did not already do that. 
  • Be sure it is named correctly. (READ the directions on the doc.) 
  •  If you did NOT start this yesterday you need to get the  PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE. (Read the directions on it.) 
  • Your finished proposal will be reviewed/graded during class on Friday when your group meets with Mrs. Roberts.

Yesterday: Initial Ideas form due (you still need to submit this if you were absent).

TOMORROW: Project Proposal Template Due 
Monday, May 6th: Final Projects due + class presentations begin
Keep Reading. Finish book #10 by 5/6. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Submitting Our Initial Ideas

Goal: Project planning and beginning your project proposal

SOCRATIC MAKEUP is TODAY during Advisory. Ms. Love probably gave you a green reminder pass if you need to be here. Don't forget. 


Example projects
Initial ideas
Start project proposal

Example Projects: 
Yesterday you learned about your upcoming academic honesty project. Lets look at some examples. 

Thinking time: 
Meet with your team and make some decisions about your project. Then complete the initial ideas form below. 

Initial Ideas: 

  • Before you go too far with your academic honesty project, I'd like to know what you think you are planning to do. 
  • You may work alone or with a team of up to two other people. 
  • The other people can be in another period of my class, but that means you'll need to spend more time meeting with them outside of class. That will make the project more challenging, but it is up to you. 
  • Together you will complete the INITIAL IDEAS FORM today. 

Project Proposal:

  • Once you/your team, have your project elements in mind it is time for you to start working on your project proposal. 
  • When you write a proposal you are trying to convince others (and yourself) that your project is worth doing. 
  • A proposal helps you think through all of the parts of the project. If you are working as a team, the proposal becomes a document that shows what you agreed to do.

1. Get your copy of the PROJECT PROPOSAL TEMPLATE, be sure to click "use template."
2. Follow the directions on the top of the document to share it with the necessary individuals.
3. Complete the proposal by responding to the questions listed.
4. Your finished proposal will be reviewed/graded during class on Friday when your group meets with Mrs. Roberts. (She will make you re-do your proposal until it is complete, accurate, and comprehensive.)

Today: Initial Ideas form due

This Friday: Project Proposal Template Due 
Monday, May 6th: Final Projects due + class presentations begin

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Check-In + Introduce Final Project

Goals: Review PL policies and introduce final project

Wednesday at Advisory


Reading Progress Update
Intro to Project

1. Reading Progress Update
Click HERE for a reading progress update.

2. Quizziz
Click HERE and enter the code I give you in class. 

2. Introducing Our Academic Honesty Project:
  • We will conclude our unit on academic honesty with a project. 
  • You can view the project outline HERE. 
  • Today we are just talking about it. 
  • All you have to do is start thinking about ideas and decide who you might partner with.
  • We will work on this more later this week.

Add these dates to your calendar
4/24 - Initial ideas due for your Academic Honesty Project (You fill out a form in class.)
4/26 - Project Proposal Due
5/6 - Academic Honesty Project due. Be prepared to tell the class about your project.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Socratic Discussion for Academic Honesty

Goal: Socratic discussion about the topics we've been reading and writing about during our study of academic honesty.

Socratic Discussion 1
Socratic Discussion 2

Absent? We will have a makeup Socratic seminar on WEDNESDAY during ADVISORY. Ask for a PASS if you don't have extended lunch. This is the ONLY available make up.

You should be reading book #10 already.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Socratic Prep Day 2

Goal: Finish preparing for Monday's Socratic Seminar


Socratic Seminar Preparation
Catch Up 

1. Socratic Seminar Preparation: 
  • Yesterday we began preparing for the Socratic Seminar we will have in class on Monday.
  • To prepare for the discussion, you need to know the articles we've read over the last few weeks, the infographic we've analyzed, and the current events we've discussed.
  • I gave you a paper to organize your thinking. You can also get a digital copy HERE which is helpful to view since it has links to everything you need to know.
  • You must have a hard copy with you on Monday. If you choose to use the Google Doc, YOU are responsible for printing it.

2. Catch Up

  • If you are not done with your academic honesty essay based on your self-evaluation from yesterday, please use this time to finish it. 
  • If you are planning on requesting a regrade from Wednesday's Google Form about the podcast or NewsELA article, ask your teachers. You will have to do the opposite choice of what you did on Wednesday.

Do something you will thank yourself for later. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Socratic Seminar Preparation

Goal: Beginning to prepare for a socratic seminar we're having on Monday


Essay Self-Score 
Socratic Seminar Preparation

1. Academic Honesty Essay Self-Score

Your academic honesty essay is due tomorrow via Google Classroom. Click HERE to complete a self-evaluation, letting us know how you think you did. 

2. Socratic Seminar Preparation: 
  • On Monday, 4/22, we will be having a Socratic Seminar in class.
  • To prepare for the discussion you need to know the articles we've read over the last few weeks, the infographic we've analyzed, and the current events we've discussed.
  • I am giving you paper to organize your thinking. You can also get a digital copy HERE which is helpful to view since it has links to everything you need to know.
  • You must have a hard copy with you on Monday. If you choose to use the Google Doc, YOU are responsible for printing it.


  • Academic Honesty Essay is due tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Current Events in Cheating

Goal: Read an article or listen to a podcast about the college admissions cheating scandal

Debrief Admissions Scam
Options (read or listen)
Complete a form

Have you heard about the college admission scam? What do you know about it? 

Money Laundering

Option A: Article of the Week
Read this ARTICLE OF THE WEEK on NewsELA. When you are finished, scroll down to the form near the bottom of the blog post.

Option B: Listen to this Podcast
Listen to this PODCAST about the college admissions cheating scandal.

*Both options complete this form:*
Click HERE to complete a form after you either read or listen to the options above.

  • Your academic honesty essay is due Friday. 
  • Did you submit your book #9 review via Flipgrid? 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Book 9 Review + Survey

Image result for flipgrid logoGoal: Review Book #9 and take the Healthy Kids Survey

Book Review
HK Survey

1. Book #9 Book Review
  • On Friday last week, we showed you Flipgrid. 
  • You'll be talking about your book this time, and the book review is due by the end of day TODAY.
  • You still need to include necessary components of a normal book review, like how the book challenged you, a brief summary of the book without too many spoilers, and your recommendation.
  • Click HERE to record your book review. 
2. Healthy Kids Survey
  • You attempted to take this before Spring Break. 
  • It's the really long survey that asks you repetitive questions about teen habits.
  • The district still needs your information and not all answers submitted, so we need to take it again. 
  • Click HERE to take the survey (please finish by the end of class). 
3. Review some art
  • Students in Mr. Wells art class made books about street art. If you are done with all of your other assignments we would love to let you look at some and give feedback to the authors. 
There are 39 school days left this year. You're doing amazing!
Your Academic Honesty Essay is still due on Friday.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Writing Groups

Goal: Writing groups for Academic Honesty Essays

Refresh: What are writing groups?
Academic Honesty Essay Writing Groups

Getting Started:

  • Refresh: What are writing groups?
  • What kinds of discussion help writers most?
  • Follow the procedures to the right (or on THIS PAGE) with your group. 

Essay Rubric: (below)
How does your essay compare to the rubric?
What do you still need to work on?

Final Draft of your Academic Honesty Essay is due this Friday.

Your Flipgrid review of book #9 is due by the end of class on TUESDAY 4/16. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

On-Demand Writing

Image result for google classroom logoGoal: Write an essay about the qualitative and quantitative data we've reviewed this week

New Book Review
On-Demand Writing

1. New Book Review
  • You should be finished with Book #9 today.
  • We will be completing our next Book Review on a new application: Flipgrid
  • You will record a 90 second video that should include:
    • Your summary of the book, how it challenged you, and who would like it. 
  • We will give you class time on Monday to complete this, but if you want to do at home you need to do it over the weekend.
  • Click HERE to record your video. (Must be signed into your stu.sandi.net account.)
  • Want to see an example? Here is a video book review Mrs. R did. 
2. On-Demand Writing
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom called "Academic Honesty Essay."
  • The writing prompt is listed in the assignment, and we will review it as a class before beginning. 
  • You have the rest of the period to complete the essay. 
  • At the end of the period click the  TURN IN  button on your essay doc. 
  • If you didn't finish reading Book 9, you have this weekend to finish it. The book review is due by Monday at the end of class.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Qualitative Data

Goal: Analyze qualitative data from our survey

Reading Progress Update
Qualitative Data

1. Reading Progress Update
Complete the READING PROGRESS FORM about your current book, which should be #9 or #10 (at least). #9 is due TOMORROW and we'll be introducing a new book review style. 

2. Finish Looking at Quantitative Data
  • Yesterday you worked with a partner to analyze quantitative data from our class slides. There should be a copy of these slides in your Google Drive.
  • If you were absent yesterday and you need a new copy, click HERE to make a copy. 
3. Qualitative Data 
In addition to the graphs you looked at yesterday, people who responded to our survey also wrote short answers. Skim through the short answers HERE and look for patterns. Answer these two questions in a paragraph in your English Journal: 
  • According to the responses, what are some methods students typically use to cheat?
  • Why do students say they cheat? 
  • Finish Book #9 tonight. 
  • Brush up on the data we've reviewed the last two days. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Quantitative Data

Goal: Learn how to analyze our quantitative data

Intro to data
Partner work on slides
English Journal Response

1. Intro to Data 
Let's talk about quantitative and qualitative data. Today we're going to look at QUANTITATIVE!

2. Partner Work
  • You are seated with a partner. ONE OF YOU should make a copy of THIS SLIDE DECK
  • Share the slide deck with your partner. 
  • Share the slide deck with your teachers (email addresses at the back of the room). 
  • Work through the slide deck, answering the questions on the yellow slides. 
3. English Journal Response
Make sure your response from Q15 is pasted into your English Journal at the top of the page, under today's date. 

Book #9 should be finished by this FRIDAY 4/12.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Article Jigsaw 2

Insert a 4x7 table in your EJ like this, or
click HERE to get one you can copy and paste.
Goals: Explaining the article you read yesterday to a new group for discussion about issues of academic honesty


Share with your new group
Write about it

Form Response

Talk to Your New Group
  • You read and discussed your assigned article. 
  • Be sure you can talk about: 
  1. A brief summary of the article including the author's position. 
  2. Several important details, including any that seemed new or surprising. 
  3. Any issues or disagreements you have with the author's position or data. 

The articles were: 
Red: SOURCE 1: SHIMURA, 2016

Orange: SOURCE 2: CHUWIRUCH, 2016

Yellow: SOURCE 3: RAMESH, 2016

Green: SOURCE 4: POPE, 2014


Purple: SOURCE 6: NOGUCHI, 2017


  • I'll re-group you and you need to explain the article you read.
  • You will also hear about several other articles.
  • Take notes in your English Journal about new and interesting information. Write down the source in case you need to reference/cite this information later.


There is a podcast for you to listen to HERE about teachers who cheated for their students and got jail time.

Form Response to Podcast
Fill out THIS FORM (in complete sentences) about the podcast you just listened to. 

Finish Book #9 by 4/12 (this Friday!)

Monday, April 8, 2019

Jigsaw Reading Day 1

Goals: Read + discuss a new article about academic honesty


New Group Article
Notes in your EJ

1. Survey
You've taken this survey once before, but this time you're just answering the multiple-choice questions. Click HERE to access.

2. Reading an article: 

  • With your group, read and discuss your assigned article. 
  • Be sure you have notes about these things in your English Journal: 
  1. A brief summary of the article including the author's position. 
  2. Several important details, including any that seemed new or surprising. 
  3. Any issues or disagreements you have with the author's position or data. 

Red: SOURCE 1: SHIMURA, 2016

Orange: SOURCE 2: CHUWIRUCH, 2016

Yellow: SOURCE 3: RAMESH, 2016

Green: SOURCE 4: POPE, 2014


Purple: SOURCE 6: NOGUCHI, 2017

What's next? 
  • Tomorrow, I will re-group you and you will need to explain the article you read.
  • You will also hear about several other articles.
  • You'll take notes in your English Journal about new and interesting information.
  1. Finish book #9 by 4/12. 
  2. If you're not prepared to share your article tomorrow, review tonight. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Our Buggy Moral Code

Goal: Interact with a video that explores why humans are predictably irrational, and what leads us to want to lie and cheat

English Journal Response

1. "Our Buggy Moral Code" 
  • We are going to watch a TED Talk that explores why humans cheat. 
  • As you watch, you will pause to answer questions. These questions are multiple choice and short-answer. With short answer questions, be sure to write in complete sentences. 
  • Access the video HERE

2. English Journal Response
Dan Ariely uses all of the following in the TED Talk you just watched.
In your English Journal, write a paragraph showing which one of the following he used MOST prominently (click to enlarge):
Do you think his method worked to get his point across? How does he establish a relationship with the audience?

  • Book 9 should be finished by 4/12.
  • If you want to make up your Poe/Laughton essay from before break, schedule a writing conference with any one of your English teachers before you request a regrade.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Reading an Infographic to Write About Data

Goals: Examine an infographic and draw conclusions from the data.

Examine an infographic
Writing about data.

Examine an Infographic: 

  • In an increasingly visual world, data is now often packaged and presented in "infographics."
  • Read through the infographic below.
  • What data stands out to you?
  • This infographic is based on this article. Which is more helpful to you?
  • What are the pros and cons of using infographics?

Writing about data: 

  1. Open your English Journal.
  2. Write 10 factual statements based on data from the infographic below.
  3. Use the sentence frames from THIS PAGE if they help you.
  4. Discuss your facts at your table.
  5. Pick your five favorites.
Check in: 
  1. Go to socrative.com and join room PLHS. 
  2. Answer the questions there. 

  • If you want to make up your Poe/Laughton essay from before break, schedule a writing conference with any one of your English teachers before you request a regrade.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Charting the Text

Goal: Charting the text about academic honesty

Charting the text

Charting the text:

  • You will need the article "Cheating on the Rise Among High School Students" that I assigned to you yesterday (there should be a copy in your Google Drive). 
  • With your table, work to complete the chart about what the author is saying and doing.
  • You will create this chart in your English Journal. Be sure you put a date on it. 
  • It should look like the picture on the right when you start. 
  • Insert/table 3x4 (3 across, 4 down).
  • You should be able to get this done in class, but finish for homework if you need to. 
  • If you want to make up your Poe/Laughton essay from before break, schedule a writing conference with any one of your English teachers before you request a regrade.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Reading a New Article

Goals: First read of a new article with SOAPSTone and a Précis


Make up presentations
Read a new article
SOAPSTone and Précis

Make up presentations:
A few people were absent when we presented our book review slides. We will have them present quickly today. 

Read a new article: 

  • Click HERE to download a copy of the new article. Find it and read it. Right click on words you need to know and choose "define." 
  • Discuss the article at your table. What does it say? What does it mean? Why does it matter?
SOAPSTone and Precis: 
  • After reading the article, work with your partner to complete this SOAPSTone Form.
  • Note that the form contains a précis assignment. Do that together.
  • Are you reading Book #9? 
  • Do you have any work to make up? 
  • Have you checked out your book?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Welcome Back!

Goal: Write an email to your teacher to practice the difference between formal and informal communication

Reading Progress Update
Practice Email

1. Reading Progress Update
Welcome back from break! Click HERE for a reading progress update.

2. Practice Email 
  • There is an art to getting what you need through emailing, and you likely have plenty of emails in your future since we live in such a technological age. 
  • Make a copy of THIS email template, and read the instructions listed at the top.
  • Share this document with ALL of your teachers (email addresses posted in the back of the room). 

3. Table Contest 
  1. Everyone will read their email aloud. 
  2. The table will decide whose email would likely be the most well-received by a teacher. 
  3. Have the winner at your table submit their teacher email HERE (only one person at each table should be submitting). 

You should be reading Book #9. If you got a new book today since we are back from break, please check it out.