Thursday, January 14, 2016

Writing Assignment Begins

Goal: Beginning a draft of your response to James McBride.

Explain writing assignment
Begin drafting
Collect Homework

Writing Assignment: 

  • We have been reading and analyzing James McBride's Hip Hop Planet; now it is time to write about it more formally. 
  • I've sent you a document to write your assignment. Look for it in your "Shared with Me" section in Google Drive. 
  • The assignment has two parts. The directions below are only for the first part. We will work more on the second part tomorrow. 

  • Now that you have considered the topic of hip hop and its global influence, you will write a summary and response in the format of a letter.
  • Your task is to compose a letter to James McBride with the purpose of letting him know what you think about the claims he makes about the importance and power of hip hop in his essay.
  • The first portion of the letter will be a summary where you show McBride that you understand the main points of his essay. The second portion of your letter will be a thoughtful and formal response to his ideas.
  • Yesterday you made great progress on your rhetorical precis. You can use the precis as the opening paragraph of your letter to Mr. McBride. If your precis is already in great shape you should add to it as the directions above suggest. 
Final draft of your response to McBride is due Tuesday 1/19/16.
You will "call it in" on Wednesday 1/20/16. (Please don't call on before Wednesday.)
Keep reading. Two NEW book reviews due 1/21/16.
English Journals due 1/22.

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